Avatar/Signature: Signature/Avatar
Render/Stock: Render (
Style: I'd like it to be in the style of a Pokemon trainer card with rounded corners. Something like (
x) & (
x). I like the shape from reference 2. I want it to have a pixely texture. Granted, not big blocky pixels, but smaller.
Color: I'd like the top & bottom bars to be white with the square pixel texture/look from reference 2 (so whitish greyish). The text in top/bottom bars is black. The middle would have the same square pixel texture in dark blue. The text would be black or white, whichever looks better. The trainer square (separated by a black square border) would have the render in the center with a whitish/grey musical background. For special effects, maybe splat paint effects or something? I really don't mind what it is, as long is it stays/matches with the white/blue color scheme.
Text: (Sig only) As for the font, I'd like something something similar to what's in the references.
Myles (space) 3DS FC: 0688-6564-8671 (top bar) (text centered)
Mayor of Kiloude Trainer
PKMN Enthusiast Pic (middle)
Sassy Nature
NNID: wakkitty LGBTQ+ Pride Thing (
x) (bottom bar) (text centered)
Size: Uh, typical size for both? I saw someone post these [400x130 (sig) 150x100 (avatar)] dimensions, so maybe that?
Other: I'd like the same sort of font as in reference two. I don't mind if you add your own flair to it, I know my foundation might sound a bit boring to you.
AVATAR: Pokemon trainer square used in trainer card.