Too late. Already did. Heh.
NEW STYLE: Typography
This style can only be requested by itself (you can't mix and mash this with other styles). Signature dimensions for this style can exceed 500x150! Max signature dimensions for this style is 500x200. When requesting this style, you need to provide me with a lot of quotes and key words to use (also, a simple color scheme). These usually revolve around one theme. The style example's theme is Attack on Titan.
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@C r y s t a l
@Kawaii Cupcakes
You can add stocks. Not renders. I'll end up clipping masking whatever stock you give me.
So we can't have a sig like the one with levi? D:
Nope. Sorry. It takes me way too much time to make a typography tag when incorporating a render into it. I almost didn't make typography an optional style because of it.
Runs and cries*
Okay, It's understable, it will be very hard to fit all the words with the render D:
Naw. It's not because of that. It's because the text needs to run with the "flow" of the render and I usually have to incorporate several different analogous colors that match the render. Also, renders have their own "sense" of font. And that would be a !@#$% because I'd have to run and get new fonts every time I got a new request wanting typography.
And, for example what amount of words would be good for request? Oh yes, the size of your sig, is requestable as signature or as a banner?