eviscerate me.
yay, glad to see your shop is open again babe♡ i have a request for you later once i get home ;p
On the hunt for a bird render.@BirdsAreCoolYo: Need a better render. Odds of you finding a good real life bird render is slim. Just FYI.
Avatar/Signature: signature
Render/Stock: [x]
Style: up to you
Color: reds
Text: he's a maneater
Size: 400x150
Other: lemme know if you need the render without the texture u3u
Pretty sure all slots are filled up, and the empty slot is for newer people requesting a signature
Render http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/292/b/5/charizard_x_by_nillakiwi-d6r3s57.png
Style: What you think is best
Color: What you think is best
Text: Mega Charizard X or you can come up with one.
Size: Large as can be
I am a newcomer to the GFX
Awh yay ^^
Avatar/Signature: Signature
If this doesn't work, the character is Delsin Rowe from Infamous Second Son ~
Style: Any
Color: Red
Text: "Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?"
Size: 500 x 150
Enjoy the TBT aswell![]()
Okay, it says we have to wait a week before requesting again.
A week as in the full 7 days, right?