Avatar/Signature: Avatar
Render/Stock: LUCINA from Fire Emblem / Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U
Style: Meh.. do whatever you feel!
Color: Whatever goes with the render, really.
Text: MyEclispedHeart
Size: 100x100
Other: Can I use this avatar on dA? Also, for the text, make it small but noticeable?
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: LUCINA from Fire Emblem / Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U
Style: Whatever works for you!
Color: Blue, Red, Black.. whatever goes with the render, really.
Text: Time to change fate!
Size: 356x125
Other: None
Thanks! I separated them because they were a little too different and I didn't want to confuse you. If I can't have both done at once, do the sig first. ^-^
Render/Stock: LUCINA from Fire Emblem / Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U
Style: Meh.. do whatever you feel!
Color: Whatever goes with the render, really.
Text: MyEclispedHeart
Size: 100x100
Other: Can I use this avatar on dA? Also, for the text, make it small but noticeable?
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: LUCINA from Fire Emblem / Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U
Style: Whatever works for you!
Color: Blue, Red, Black.. whatever goes with the render, really.
Text: Time to change fate!
Size: 356x125
Other: None
Thanks! I separated them because they were a little too different and I didn't want to confuse you. If I can't have both done at once, do the sig first. ^-^