@Twinrova: Yes, I do.
Yay! Here is my request-
Avatar/Signature: Wallpaper
Render/Stock: Eirika and Ephraim from FE: Sacred Stones.
For the stock, could there be a faint castle in the background?
Style: I'm not sure, maybe like the magnezone example, or the 2nd example (unsure of character name) on your examples post. Whatever you think suits.
Color: Dark greens, Blues, Turquoise (to complement their hair colours)
Text: None please
Size: My screen resolution is 1440 x 900.
Other: I would like Eirika on the left and Ephraim on the right. I would also like them to be on the right edge of the screen, so their lovely faces aren't blocked by my icons. I think about 500px from the left.
Thanks so much!!

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