Photoshop CC. The best photoshop there is.
why does all the good stuff cost so much money ;-;
Thanks for telling me though!
Photoshop CC. The best photoshop there is.
Thanks, I'm adding it to my signature now.
@Adol The Red
Click here
I added a nice border for your avatar as well. Hope this fits nicely. If anything goes wrong or it doesn't fit, let me know right away and I'll fix it for ya.
Shoot. It made the image smaller.
Click here
That should be the full resolution. Try now.
@Adol the Red: Errr... Not sure what to do about that.
@Shirohibiki: I could if you have the 150x100 avatar upgrade. If not, I can only use one of them.
@Adol the Red: Errr... Not sure what to do about that.