I need high quality and pre-cut renders for that style. Besides, the picture is too small.
Forget the Jakiro pic how about this? http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2..._render_by_akio_by_hiromeakiohime-d4cuie8.png
I need high quality and pre-cut renders for that style. Besides, the picture is too small.
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@Callaway: That one works. No need to edit them out.
@Bird: Except the text.
Shout out to Benmjy for the donation. Thank you.
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@Callaway: That one works. No need to edit them out.
@Bird: Except the text.
Shout out to Benmjy for the donation. Thank you.
Okay, I put "(ignore text)" there for a reason. ^v^
Also, you see @benmjy's avatar; where the book has the thunder symbol at? The lines around it almost resembles a Mr. Saturn from the Mother series.
Wow. You caught that. Good job. I put a tiny Easter egg in there.
Wow. You caught that. Good job. I put a tiny Easter egg in there.
Enjoy guys.
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So many Lego movie requests. Everything is awesome about that.
So many Lego movie requests. Everything is awesome about that.
@Itookyourwaffles: It's cut but the quality is lacking a bit. I can work with it if you want me to, though.