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I was actually going to see if I could find you the green letter TBT collectible because that is one of the two you are missing, actually. I thought about it after I sold the one I had...

I'm not donating my yellow house though, I hope to sell it for some mad cash xD

Edit: Yeah! I looked up some YouTube videos and learnt some neat tricks. I'm working on a harder render now, might not be as clean as this one, but I'm still doing better than I was.

Yeah. Now that you mention it, I am missing that Japanese character. Heh.

Truly amazing render, though. That's the kind of quality you typically find on Deviant Art. I would be delighted to work with it.

EDIT @Chibi.Hoshi: Sure. Give me a sec.

- - - Post Merge - - -

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EDIT @Chibi.Hoshi: Sure. Give me a sec.
Alright, thank you. :)
I shall tip after this hehe.

C a l l a w a y: You have mad art skills. You make me wish I had photoshop lol.
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Ah haha. Thank you I'm blushing XD.

I feel kinda selfish asking for so much, but you have a new style you want to improve on and I have a skill I wish to improve on, so it feels like a win win, yeah?
Actually, sorry but can I request one more thing lol I know...
Can you change the font to something else?
Sorry it just reminds me of an Australian Drama show font lol.
Here ya go:

Don't have the slightest clue as of what you girls are talking about.

Thanks for the donation, Chibi.Hoshi.
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Here ya go:

Don't have the slightest clue as of what you girls are talking about.

Thanks for the donation, Chibi.Hoshi.
Thank you so much, I am going to use that right now.


You're welcome, its the least I could do. :)