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Hi, Is there a chance i can get an avatar from this? I want the monster's head with the red eyes as my avatar? Thank you
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I'm gross, I need this

Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: Render - ( If you can't work with that one, you can also use this one )
Stock - ( Not the whole thing obviously, and if it ends up looking bad, you can just do whatever c: )
Style: Anything you think fits, but with an added yellow glow to his eyes, if you please!
Color: Dark and moody colors, perhaps with twinges of purple and orange in the text? Cause he's a dumb Halloween nerd eugh
Text: "And at the end of fear... Oblivion."
Size: 500x150
Other: If you do happen to use Gotham City, would it be possible to add a rainy effect to the background? That would be superb. Thank you so, so, SO much for this! I'm sorry I'm a gross fangirl augh /)//A//(\

(also, with 500x150, it leaves enough room to have a spoiler under it, correct? Think mine is like 167 right now and it mostly fits.)
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YOU,, screams,
what are rules for using it on other forums as long as we credit you? o:
[vibrates intensely] I LOVE IT,,gdlkhfghjhg
Glad you like it. I don't care about rules with my signatures. Just as long as you don't take credit for it.
Avatar/Signature: Signature, please!
Render/Stock: (Render) Can the stock be Twilight Town? I couldn't find a good stock picture, lol.
Style: I'll let you choose.
Color: White and Blue
Text: Hikari
Size: 400 x 130
Other: None. (Thanks so much for doing this! I'll make sure to tip you!)
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Avatar/Signature: both
Render/Stock: stock [pick one] (x) (x) render (x)
Color: pink and white
Text: 「Lemon-hime」under it "lynn105"
Size: 400x130 (sig) 150x100 (avatar)
Other: is it alright to edit the other sigs and add a diagonal overlay to them or give them rounded corners? O: (I'd still credit you of course but if not it's okay :> )

Hope I'm not being too annoying LOL
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Can I get another request? I feel like I'm bugging you a bit

If the answer is yes I will post it in a little bit
Glad you like it. I don't care about rules with my signatures. Just as long as you don't take credit for it.

okay, thank you SO much!!! <333 ill probably ask for an avatar to match in the future, but for now im super super pleased eeeek~~~

- - - Post Merge - - -

I like how I didn't think of what I wanted until just now, I'm so sorry omg, I'll send you more TBT though. I'm sorry I'm so gross sobs,

Avatar/Signature: Avatar
Render/Stock: (This alright? Couldn't find a transparent one. Also, focus would be on Riddler, not Batman :p)
Style: Anything you want!
Color: Whatever suits~
Text: "Riddle me this." (If you can fit it, that is!)
Size: However large it needs to be uvu
Other: Mostly just focus on his stupid sexy face. You have free reign for the most part <3 SORRY I DIDN'T THINK OF THIS SOONER I KNOW I'M ANNOYING, AND THANK YOU UGH YOURE SO FANTASTIC

(and if you don't feel like doing it it's totally fine~)
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@Stacyfaith: I accept request from members with 100+ posts. Denied. Come back later when you've accumulated that amount.

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Couldn't make the galaxy look good in the background so I didn't put it in. Hopefully this style makes up for it.


ahhh is AMNZING expect me coming for a avatar soon :)




Hope you guys like them. Enjoy!
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@lynn105: You're not annoying. And yes, go ahead.

@Uxie: Request away. I'm all for it.

@Shirohibiki: It's alright. Don't worry about it.

@Crazy-Gamer: Sounds good.
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I'd love to order one!

Avatar/Signature: Both please :D
Render: Use this one, if you can't use that one use this one!
Stock: I would like a forest scene so use this one, if you can't use this Render, then any forest scene would do
Style: If your using the Stock I gave you, add blur to the lighting and add like some leaves blurring in the wind!
Color: Green
Text: Leafre
Size: 400x 130
Other: Feel free to tweak it a bit if you think it looks good! But alas none that I could think of!
(Note: if your using the first render, for the avatar put Grovyle's head in the image not Eevee)

Great signatures by the way, they all look great ^_^


Added a treecko and a sceptile in the background as well. Let me know if you want me to take them out if you don't like it.
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Hope you guys like them. Enjoy!
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@lynn105: You're not annoying. And yes, go ahead.

@Uxie: Request away. I'm all for it.

@Shirohibiki: It's alright. Don't worry about it.

@Crazy-Gamer: Sounds good.

Yay thank you so much! *adds to the siggy generator* 8D I'm probably gonna use these a lot in other forums too! (if I actually join one and stay for a while LOL) So adorable ;u; <333
im so excited im going to d i e




Hope you guys like them. Enjoy!
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@lynn105: You're not annoying. And yes, go ahead.

@Uxie: Request away. I'm all for it.

@Shirohibiki: It's alright. Don't worry about it.

@Crazy-Gamer: Sounds good.

I love it! Thank you so much!
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: x ; Still not sure about the background.
Style: Experimental/Futuristic
Color: Cyan as the dominant color, please.
Text: Hot
Size: 400x140
Other: N/A (Sorry for the vagueness)
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Is it okay if I request an avatar too? If so, here's the form:

Avatar/Signature: Avatar
Render/Stock: (Render) For the stock... The World That Never Was, please!
Style: Light streaks surrounding Xion. (Does that make sense?)
Color: Blue
Text: None.
Size: 100 x 100
Other: None.
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Added a treecko and a sceptile in the background as well. Let me know if you want me to take them out if you don't like it.

If I could hug you right now, you would explode, TYSM for the avatar and sig! ^_^
I love the treecko and sceptile in the backround!
Avatar/Signature: Both, please!
Render/Stock: Something with Sylveon and possibly a cherry blossoms sort of background? Or any pink background.
Style: I like the smoke effect that you do and i love the little "orbs" and sparkles (have no idea what to call it haha)
Color: Pink or you can use Sylveon's color scheme! :,)
Text: Hyoyeon in regular text and then underneath of it 포켓몬의 공주
Size: 400 x 145
Other: Could you add a border? Whichever one looks best with it. :3

Will tip because your work is amazing. <33