Jam Colour Crystal
Senior Member
Could u make a Gourgiest one
It's a Pokemon
If yes, I'll put In the order
If no, I'll cry
It's a Pokemon
If yes, I'll put In the order
If no, I'll cry
It's a *****.
Didn't read all of it....
Back to the front page I go Dx
- - - Post Merge - - -
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: Gourgest from Pokemon (art not mine)
Stock: idk, something colorful
View attachment 59040
Style: vectors
Colour: Splash of many attractive colors that compliment each other
Text: JamColour
Size: 500x150
Other: put the Pokemon to the far left and then put "JamColour" slightly to the right of it
Add a lot of colors that compliment the Pokemon
Surprise me
.... Yeah. That render has watermark on it. I can't use that. Mind if I just find my own render to use?
* More added
* Rendered candy one
* Another added and rendered
On the real though, some of these Gourgeist gijinkas are bomb.
I love the bottom one, with the hearts and stuff
I guess u could out her to the left and the words slightly to the right of the Pokemon
Because she's facing right in a way
U catch my drift
And do u know which one I'm talking about
Also, how long do u usually take?
..did you see my request?