wood question


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2013
i dont know if this happens in other peoples towns or not but my town is hardwood light...meaning most of my trees dont produce the amount of hardwood as they do the other types of wood, which leaves me having to ax everyday just to get enough of the hardwood soooo my question is this: is there a way to increase the number of certain types of wood? ive tried planting only hardwood trees with no luck.
I thought it was seasonal, I found that in the spring I find more hard wood and in the summer soft wood, and in the fall regular wood. (I'm in the northern hem).
It's totally random- I feel like it SHOULD be based on type of tree, but as far as I can tell, it's just random.

For some reason, my island tends to be heavy on softwood, lighter on hardwood, and quite light on just regular ol' wood.
I do most of my wood chopping on NMT islands so that I can get unlimited wood in a day by hopping from island to island, and it feels like I get about an equal amount of all three types. But I find that I use more hardwood than other woods because you make shovels and slingshots with it. So it also feels like I never get enough hardwood. ^o^;>
I do most of my wood chopping on NMT islands so that I can get unlimited wood in a day by hopping from island to island, and it feels like I get about an equal amount of all three types. But I find that I use more hardwood than other woods because you make shovels and slingshots with it. So it also feels like I never get enough hardwood. ^o^;>

good point! i do have to create a lot of tools, but ive also counted how many of each type of wood that i get everyday too. the seasons thing that sleepydreepy said might be worth checking out as well!
The ratio of regular wood/hardwood/softwood can definitely be annoying. The best way to acquire all varieties quickly is definitely by flying to mystery islands and chopping everything down. It might be time consuming...but, you'll eventually have a fairly large stockpile and no longer need to worry about running out. There is no favorable type of tree to grow on your island to give you a better yield. It should have been that the cedar trees provide softwood, and the fruit trees and normal trees produce hard and normal. But, they definitely never made that distinction. It's just random.
I think it’s random.
My island seems to have plenty of hardwood and softwood, and very little regular wood. That stinks because most items I need to build usually require regular wood.
I’m pretty sure it’s random. My island doesn’t produce nearly enough regular wood, which is the type that I use the most. I kept having to use tickets to go to Nook Islands, and chop down trees that way. That was my way of getting regular wood, but I’m pretty sure it’s random.
I’m pretty sure it’s random. My island doesn’t produce nearly enough regular wood, which is the type that I use the most. I kept having to use tickets to go to Nook Islands, and chop down trees that way. That was my way of getting regular wood, but I’m pretty sure it’s random.
Do you want some?
I'd happily drop you off 100 of it
Thanks so much for the offer, but unfortunately I do not have WiFi currently.
Thats a shame
If it changes let me know as I have wood in abundance. I only really use it now for villager move ins with amiibo