Worst day of the Week?

Worst day of the week?

  • Sunday

    Votes: 13 15.1%
  • Monday

    Votes: 29 33.7%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 15 17.4%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 9 10.5%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 9 10.5%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • I live outside of space and time

    Votes: 9 10.5%

  • Total voters

Blood Eclipse

𖤐 ♱ 𖤐
Jul 30, 2019
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Bloodshot Potion
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
Voodoo Doll
Most people I ask seem to hate Mondays because that's usually when they have to get back to working or going to school, but if you ask me, Sundays are a lot worse. There's nothing good on TV (good thing YouTube exist) and the day's atmosphere always feels depressing or solemn. Once Monday rolls around, everything seems to be more lively and busy again. My favorite day of the week isn't Monday by a long shot, but it's way better than Sundays, in my opinion. So what day of week do you least look foward to?
There’s one day that crowds are very bad. The day where it’s harder to navigate stores and places of entertainment because of crowds. That is Saturday, and I’m not even joking about it being the worst day of the week.
As of right now, my least favorite day of the week is Friday. From 8am-12pm I have classes back-to-back, and it involves me rushing from one side if campus to the other on my bike twice. Plus, on MWF my day doesnt technicely end until 5:30pm, and most of the time I end up doing schoolwork well into the evening. This past Friday I was doing schoolwork until 9pm, and then I was too tired to do anything else.

I also dislike Sundays, because most of the shops around here are closed for a large part of the day. But at least it's a day off for me.
It's just harder to wake up on Mondays. Like, going to school isn't my problem because I kind of enjoy school, but despite me waking up at the same time every day, it's so much harder to wake up on Mondays.
(why is sunday first?)

anyway defo sunday. basically just there to give u anxiety for the next week and you dont hav the energy to do ****
Accidentally hit Mondays for the poll, but I believe Tuesdays and Thursdays are the absolute worst.
Mondays can (personally in my opinion) determine how your week is going to go, but Tuesdays are so slow and painful. I start school this Tuesday, and I already know the day will go by painfully slow. Thursdays are terrible because everything always happens on Thursday's which can lead my Friday's into becoming stressful.

Mondays are the worst. Something always goes wrong on Mondays. That being said, something bad can happen on any day of the week. Life doesn’t really care about when something bad happens to you, lol.

I live outside of space and time, thank you.

I just don't like Tuesday, its never done anything to me its just the one day that everything in my life takes place on. Its always seemed to be the busiest one of the week for me.
I was about to choose monday but I actually quite "enjoy" it! I like returning to school/work after a nice week-end, however for some reason, tuesdays have always been terrible days for me, so yeah, chose tuesday.
Tuesdays. Mondays go quick and i feel like im starting a fresh week. Also Sundays because you have the week ahead of you.
I chose Monday. Returning to work after a long week is such a pain, and I just really dread it half of the time.
Tuesday. When it sinks it that a new week is starting. :(
Monday is easily the worst day of the week for me. I dread having to wake up early and go back to work each week. Also, Mondays tend to be the busiest days for me with everybody piling on more work and stressing me out.

Sundays might be second worse, though, because I spend half the day dreading Monday and I sometimes have to get up early and work Sundays, too.
Yah, unlike most people I have to work weekends, which are the busiest days in my store. Sunday's are hella busy. Especially now that football season is back.

wtf is that goddamn boring day , nothing interesting happens on a tuesday , atleast mondays you get that wonder of "hmmm i wonder how my week will be like" but tuesdays are nothing but a goddamn day that feels like a filler , besides most of the bad days of my life had happened on tuesdays
While the majority of the people here dislike Mondays for various reasons, Tuesdays are the worst for me. When it's Monday, you have to kick yourself up again for your daily routine but we always get used to it. Wednesdays isn't too bad considering you've made it halfway through the week. Thursdays is anticipating the Fridays. And Fridays is basically vegging out for a bit before settling for the weekend. Saturdays and Sundays are excellent days for me to relax.

To explain why I consider Tuesdays the worst day, it's because of the progression of the week. Like, you've gotten Monday out of the way, now you have to jump over this hurdle and yet, the weekends feel so far away. Nothing much to do other than doing daily routines.