Would you buy a remake of the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing?

My first AC game was wild world. I heard so many things about how great the original GC game was that I decided to buy it on line to see for myself since we still had our son's old game cube. By then I was playing New Leaf and I couldn't get over the fact that your storage closet only held 3 items! That was so frustrating and ended up not playing for long. The newer versions had spoiled me for deprivation like that lol.
While yes original PG doesn't have a lot the newer games have, it does have one of the best dialogue for villagers and interactions. I don't interact with any villagers in NH that much. They're just so bland and regurgitate the same stuff day in day out. I exhaust all the 'early dialogue' and never get any of the better bits by the time they don't want to talk to me anymore.

It is outdated yes, but they could spruce it up (I don't see them bothering of course) and good villagers/dialogue and better holidays/events than NH would make it worth picking it up in my opinion.
With NH's graphics? Absolutely not. With original graphics and maybe some added content/QoL updates that doesn't deviate too much from the game? Yes absolutely. The GameCube version has a level of character that the other games don't have.
With NH's graphics? Absolutely not. With original graphics and maybe some added content/QoL updates that doesn't deviate too much from the game? Yes absolutely. The GameCube version has a level of character that the other games don't have.
It doesn't have to be NH graphics. They could doctor and clean up the original game to give it more of a HD feel while still keeping its N64 charm.
If the terms are as you say only the change the graphics. Also perhaps few minor changes but basically same game just playable on another system. I think people would buy it for the nostalgic factor but I don’t think most would be playing long term and would return to other installments.
There's actually quite a few fans who still play GC or are picking it up for the first time now, so it's not just in their memories. :lemon:

I believe it! I’m just speaking to my own experience. I have a lot of nostalgia for the games I used to play 15-20 years ago, but when I’ve gone back to them, they’re usually not as good as I remembered.

If other people can still find enjoyment in them, that’s great. I just think a lot of people would also be let down trying to go back after playing NL or NH.
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I’d actually also take a port over a remake, Gamecube Crossing should stay the way it is imo.
i definitely would, whether it’s a remake or a port of it. i‘ve never played the gamecube version, and have only experienced it through discussions online, videos, etc, but it seems and sounds like such a fun game that i’d love to play for myself! :’)
I would...but only if they left the villager dialog untouched. I liked the villagers occasionally being offensive.

Everyone gets so offended at everything these days that the NH villager dialog is so bland and borderline boring. Thankfully there's some humor sprinkled in here and there.
Definitely not. The gamecube version is perfect imo and I adore the graphics. I also still own my copy so there would be no point for me to downgrade to a remake.
i somehow convinced my fam to buy me the original for my birthday which was 175 at a retro gaming store, and i have been greatly enjoyig playing it so if they put out a ported version on switch i would consider getting it, just cos the gamecube is at my boyfriends house so i dont play it that often. the villagers have so much flavour to them, olivia has insulted me everytime i talked to her and i love it
I think I would just because I've never played the gamecube version and I realise there are a few small differences to the current games which may make it interesting to play
only if they kept their original personalities
i miss how mean villagers were in the older games
I would buy a remake or equally I would buy a ported version of the game cube, Wild world or new leaf for the switch with updated graphics (and holidays for wild world). I’d enjoy playing any of those games on the switch infinity more over playing NH.
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I’d buy it, though preferably as a port to keep the original graphics and style of the game but I would buy a remake if that was what was available. I never got chance to play the game (Wild World was my first AC game) so I’d love to get the chance to play it and appreciate all the differences that were part of the original.
Probably not—I'm currently playing both New Leaf and New Horizons, and that's more than enough for me. Even when I'm done with my New Leaf town, I'll probably just start putting that time into New Horizons; I don't think I'd want to split my AC time between that and another game.
I also don't mind the way the villager dialogue is in NL and NH (although more would be cool), and I'm not sure that I'd like villagers being mean to me, ahahah. ;v; Plus, I like how the villager moving system works now, and the better storage space/customization options.