Would you buy original AC for GameCube if never played it


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Jul 22, 2014
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I have an older wii that is backcompatable, and I never played the original game. I was upset that city folk disconnected wifi on old wii, sigh, which was better I thought as far as GameCube being able to be played on it. Amazon is asking a lot for it, original or black edition don't know the difference but a new AC original is like over 100 dollars so if you never played it would you get one if you could? This may need to be in other gaming forum but it's an AC general question to current NL players.
I would buy it if I had never played it before, because it's where it all started in a sense, at least for people outside of Japan.

In my opinion it has aged pretty well, I still find it playable. I will probably at some point buy a back-up for mine, because it's one of my all time favorite games.

I've never heard of black edition, so I don't know if I would trust that without researching it a bit. Also you might consider checking local flea markets, yard sales, and other websites that sell games and such. You would most definitely have better luck finding a good price.
I have gone back to play it, and I found it frustrating to play. I loved it at the time, but I guess I have gotten used to the changes in the newer games:(
I play my GameCube game a few times a week. I find it easy to play. The only frustration is the drawer space is limited to 3 items LOL
Yes. I'd actually kind of like to play it. :)
It's a fun game still ^.^ however, it a very bare-bones version of ac, as it was the first NA game xD I've been playing it on and off since February of 03 (it was a birthday present xD) and it's still very charming

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however, I agree about the dressers xD I'd always have a basement (you can't customize the floors/walls, and HHA doesn't rate it) FULL of dressers, each one representing something different. Like lovely dressers holding clothing, etc.

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oh, and if you have like a gamestop or something, get a used copy xD it makes no difference if it's been used or not, it doesn't save to the game disc it saves to the memory card, and if I recall correctly it uses like 92 blocks or something ridiculous. It always came with its own card with the exact right number of slots plus enough blocks for each of the mini-games
To be honest, after reading stuff on the original, I'm not interested in getting it. The fact that a dresser only has three slots is like... what? BUT, when you consider the fact that no matter what dresser you're using, they're all holding the same stuff (like a cloud that is connected to every container you own) so you have a limited space in New Leaf anyways.

I don't know, I just don't think I'd be interested in playing it.
Only if I found it at, like, a thrift store or garage sale. I love ACNL and love all the history behind the characters and their stories. But I am really, really glad I never had to experience fishing for two hours to get a sea bass to sell for tons of Bells.
Actually, I find I get more seabass in NL than GC xD They were common yes, but I could fill my inventory with barred knifejaw and red snapper in no time, and coelacanth were suuuper easy to catch in the rain. Like 4-6 in 30 minutes.
Thanks for the opinions I want to experience the first but as someone mentioned it takes up memory space and an original will have a card but if playing on wii not GameCube I can do either I want a new old version and the sale prices listed are through the roof. But ai would like the experience while being able to hold extra memory, my wii has a extra he but the prices on original new with card or ect in good condition are crazy, not sure if better bc of space to get that new or the black edition I think was the rerelease the best of version slightly different than original...I want it but to spend my only extra splurge money for the month would prefer a good condition at a non break your back price I guess it's rare when NL came out prices went up maybe have another look but some say new and when read aren't and if from an individual seller gotta be careful why trying to find a new somewhere from a company not sure if makes a difference with memory and all and playing on the wii...but just to have experienced it I found an old WW used but cf and NL are only I ever have played would love to see the original even dated but a new copy hard to find...and people put crazy prices for close to new but not really, lol.
NL is my first AC game and I probably wouldn't? The only reason I invested in a 3DS is because I prefer handhelds to consoles.
It has made things much easier the 3dsxl was is my first handheld besides very young game boy but it is much easier for me, the switch is hard going back but I never had that first AC experience so many did as thought was just a kids game until tried it out cf on wii one night bored and now..

Handheld is easier but doubt a rerelease of a dated game will happen.
I got AC:pG for like $30 on eBay :s

but I'd gotten a GameCube from a thrift store and I figure I'd get AC:pG for it too

before getting the GameCube from the thrift store, I'd never had one. so I never played AC:pG before

tl:dr; would and did.
I was lucky enough to find 2 copies at Gamestop for 4 dollars each. I started a town, but I was so frustrated by the game's slowness that I gave up. I doubt I'll ever go back & play again.
My gamestop has stopped any GameCube games so it is an internet hunt for the original this month though maybe not as I collect tv and DVD film stuff too and a lot has just come out ai missed but being in bed sick will make it known for gift times.
I had to original when I was a kid, loved it, still have it. I don't play it as much as I use to, well I don't play it at all. My younger sister now has my gamecube and I think the amount of content it doesn't have would bore me. I LOVED Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life when I was a kid, now I can't even stand to play it for 4 mins. Because the MC is so slow and its just boring.
I kinda would if I could, but I think it would be hard to get into. I mean I've watched videos of even City Folk or Wild World, and they seem really archaic, compared to New Leaf. New Leaf is the only AC I've played, and since I love it, I have considered that I missed out by not playing the older versions, but it may be realistically too late to go backwards now.

But I could be wrong. I might really love it. I still play Super Mario on my old Gameboy Advance, and it's still fun. XD
It's always nice to play the first game in a game series because you get to see how it changed. Some people say that they'll always prefer the original, but I don't think that's the case for everything.

New Leaf was on a whole new level.
I agree on last post and I like older games so that is ok CF was my first and that was still a big community until a year or less ago so it's not that archaic for that one on wii. But I did get WW but would like to see all the differences and back stories maybe just me but I am just turned 30 so have the patience for it and love of older things in general. Music, movies, clothes, ect.
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