Would you buy original AC for GameCube if never played it

I bought a Gamecube and two memory cards just to play Animal Crossing in 2008. It was really fun. I played it all summer. But really, just emulate it if you don't want to spend the money.
Yeah that is something more up my exes alley. Am thinking first if prices are down a second 3ds so can go bt my towns and before I cycle may be handy if not outrageous on price then AC orig won't be so picky and will take used but there is a wii copy of it I think a best of that may be what they call the black edition need to research it more, I suppose it need not be original as have my converter controller to play GC through the wii.
But based on time put in a second 3ds if used though hopefully can wipe any saved in data or maybe even new have dropped price, may check sites before store but I can get impatient.