Would you date someone you met over ACNL?

erm no not only over animal crossing
id like to meet them before dating them
I met my boyfriend in 9th grade during in school suspension. I didn't date him or even talk to him after we met because he moved two weeks after. I didn't talk to him until the summer right before my senior year, when he messaged me on facebook, asking if I had ISI lately. He then came to my friends house where there was an adult and security cameras (extra af I know) if he was crazy. We talked about life, ourselves, and everything face to face. Got to hang out, and get to know each other on more personal levels. This is just my opinion though. Some people have success with online dating and if that's what you want go ahead!!! I just prefer meeting you and getting to know you on a personal level before I know that I want to date.

Yeah, I mean I do talk to some people here I call closer friends, but most of the time we talk outside of here for reasons. But yeah I'd want more communication and maybe calls etc. before meeting IRL. And as for meeting loves and dating online, if people feel comfy go ahead, but I don't think I could do that since it could be anyone (not targeting anyone, but yeah gotta be careful).
i'm not too fond of the idea of online dating, meeting someone over the internet and deciding to be in a relationship i could do but i don't think i could date someone without meeting them irl first. of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with people that date online and it's no less valid than any other relationship but it's not something i think i could do (but then again, i guess you never know lol)
no i dont wanna date a nerd

lmao jk but seriously i don't type how i talk in real life so they'd be getting a false impression
Depends on if they live close; depends on if I can Skype them; depends on if I can add them on Facebook; depends on their age.
The only two people I've ever actually had feelings for were online, but.. I don't think I'd do it again. Not because there's anything wrong with online/long distance relationships, but because it's just not for me, personally. I really need to have something offline.

Like, friendships, sure. And I'm obviously not opposed to meeting someone online who I can be with, physically, offline. But if it's strictly online then no.
no, i never liked the idea of online dating, plus acnl seems to be the hub for smaller kids, i wouldn't want to meet someone who was like 11 you know. i have met many cool people though, but i would never date on acnl.
Nope. I don't date people lol :rolleyes:

I have made quite a few friends through this site tho, and a few through New Leaf itself (though I have lost contact with all of them and none were really that clise to me). Thats about as far as I'll go.
Eh, why the hell not? I mean, only if we met over ACNL and had another way to keep in touch, that is!
No, I don't think so. I'd much prefer it if I built a romantic connection with someone face to face rather than over the Internet. This is also why I prefer face to face conversation to texting, even.
i dont like the idea of meeting someone online so no. meeting a friend online sure just not a partner
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