Yes! I've been watching it over the past couple days! I've found out that Mugen and I are basically the same dude, dude!
Aw I didn't see this but yes! Mugen is amazing and so is Samurai Champloo!
Thanks! Haven't met anyone who've asked why I name it that and my town tune is from ME3, which I have yet to meet a person who's gotten the reference. Funny enough, I originally wanted to name it "Afterlife," after bar/club in ME2, but it was too long... by ONE letter. D'OH! >.< Oh well, Noveria was my favorite place in ME1. :3
Aww well I was surprised to find as many BioShock fans who play ACNL too.. So that doesn't surprise me but does make me sad! I'm sure there are more out there I just don't know how many of them have stumbled upon TBT like I did x3 I've got a lot of people on tumblr who post a lot of ME and AC! So they are out there x3
It would have been amazing if you could have had Afterlife! I guess I'm lucky.. Rapture and Columbia both fit into the character limit! 8 characters is a silly limit to have anyways, there are plenty of towns that are longer than 8 characters in real life!
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