Would you rather be taller or skinnier?

After I've started having a bunch of medical problems and going on a bunch of meds, I've gained weight. I want my skinnier body back...
If I got any skinner I'd look like a skeleton and personally speaking, I think being smaller would be cool. Can I say neither or opposite?
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Well neither... I'm 5'7 for 121 lbs... so if anything I'd maybe like to gain a bit of weight
I'm already too skinny so I'd definitely prefer to be taller. Being short has its advantages, but sometimes it's nice to be able to reach the top shelf without getting a step ladder.
skinnier pls i have no energy to work out and i dont have the self control to resist good food and plus
i'd much much much rather be thinner. i already wish i wasn't as tall as i am, so i definitely don't want to be any taller
it‘s a tough one, but i‘d rather be taller. not being able to reach the back of the upper shelf without tiptoeing is annoying.
I'm actually already content with both my height and body type, but if I had to choose between one or the other, then I'd definitely say taller, as I'm already naturally thin/slender enough and can't gain weight very easily (it's always been like that for me. I guess that's attributed to my genetics and fast metabolism).

EDIT: I didn't notice that "neither" was also an option until just now.
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skinnier. i love being short.
i'm currently working to become skinnier...
Taller! I'm already 5'5", but I was always told I was supposed to get one more growth spurt, and I never did. It makes me feel a tad cheated ahahaha. I'm not skinny, but I'm pretty happy with my body—if anything, I'd just like to get buffer. 😆
i could stand to be thinner! im a short so it’s hard to maintain the healthiest weight and everything when you’re as short as i am. Although if I was taller i would also in turn be thinner so they both could be cool.

I kinda like being small though. It’s easier to be incognito and invisible when you’re short and little!
You can always lose weight, you can't gain permanently height though. I'd like to be taller.
Skinner. I am plagued with both shortness and fatness. Fatness isn't good for you while height isn't as big of an issue as weight even though people can be judgy and mean about height too.