Would you rather?

1mil dlls, I can buy more than 100 things then.

Would you rather play Action 52 on the NES or E.T. on the Atari 2600?
action 52

would u rather jump off a building get paralyzed and live or get killed while sky diving out of an airplane but being sucked in by the propeller?
consoles because most 360 games are on computer

would you rather get blown up or get shot and die
break accf you can buy a new one

would you rather have your legs eaten off by pirranahs or your legs eaten off by me lol idk
ummmm thats hard to choose but i say kill all my friends that sounds like im being a total rooster but whatever i only have like 4 friends lol

would you rather have to kill a family member or watch someone kill a family member
Worm, spiders are disgusting.. and I'm terrified of them!

Would you rather, sit are your computer for the rest of your life or have electricity be lost forever?
Electricity Be lost forever.

Would you Rather, Never Have Christmas, or Never Have a Birthday party?
Never have a b day cuase I gotta share with my twin bro

you u rather have 10 sisters or 10 brothers?