Would you rather?

Wow, I'm picking all the ones where I die. Give me the illness!

Would you rather wear high heels every day, or a heavy backpack every day?
Heavy backpack~

Would you rather lick the earwax out of soneone's ear
Or lick the boogers out of someone's nose?
Um... booger. I hate earwax. :eek:

Would you rather live in a huge, whimsical tree furnished to your liking, or have hair that changes colors to your mood?
The whimsical tree oh my gosh yes <3

Would you rather climb to the top of a tower or dig to the center of the earth (without dying)?
Top of the tower, if I can live there. :)

Have a pet dinosaur or fly for a day?
at art! ;v;

Would you rather live as anime character or as celebrity?
Celebrity! I'm not big on anime. If you would've replaced that with stick figure, however... cx

Would you rather be able to shapeshift
Or teleport?
I suppose as an anime character, because I wouldn't wanna have annoying fangirls.

Would you rather take a bath in a kiddie pool full of pickle juice or a hot tub full of tomato sauce?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Edit: Ninj'ad, shapeshifting is cool af definitely shapeshifting
hot tub full of tomato sauce

would you rather buy a wiiu or the new 3ds?
I have a wii u and I rather buy another wii u then the ds

would you rather a new massive amazing TV or have laptop, nothing special?
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^ wow ella I didn't know you don't have (or even like) the 3ds! I wonder why......

and this is hard because in real life now I need both XD

would you rather eat raw eggs or raw onions?
Raw onions. Raw eggs are just gross and sometimes make me want to lose my sense of smell (especially the rotten ones)
Talking of smell, would you rather lose the sense of smell or the sense of feeling? Feeling meaning to touch something!
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sense of smell, it's almost useless...why do we smell, anyway?

would you rather live on pasta or american rice?
Pasta, american rice sounds gross. I like rice and beans or fried trice. Plus so many different ways you can make pasta, might get pretty fat though.

Would you rather Wield a sword or wield a bow?
Game consoles.

Would you rather live on the clouds or under the sea (don't ask me how)?
I'd rather live on the clouds, I can't swim :p
Would you rather have all your memories wiped or be in pain from memories forever?
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DX Sorry.

I hate swimming, too!
I'd rather suffer from my memories forever.

Would you rather live as ant or as bacillus?