No water....I could get water/nectar stuff/hydration from certain food sources..
Would you rather do a thumbprint of acid/LSD or take deliriants(such as datura, diphenhydramine at very high doses[300+ mgs], fly agarics, etc.) with salvia?
Well I don't smoke that much anymore as weed has the paradoxical effect of giving me anxiety as opposed to relax me(happens with some people I guess, it can be either way!), but if I HAD to choose, and provided I'm financially stable DEFINITELY the latter!!
Would you rather be a pariah by the whole of humanity or be seen as bigger than Jesus and be dissatisfied with everything?
seeing as I can sell the cardboard box made of gold(hopefully) probably that... XD
Would you rather binge on candies and other sweets and get diabetes or binge on hamburgers and other greasy foods and meats and suffer from really high blood pressure and cholesterol?
At gun point, Pietro...though I know nothing of MLP, other than watching the first ep. but may check out more in the future idk, but still wouldn't want to cosplay as an MLP character, too frilly for my taste.