Most of them want a Legendary.Andrew said:If you notice most of them want a mew 9 or under.
I have one.tails1428 said:i would love to find a plain old charmander one of my favorite pokemon.
So don't I.TravisTouchdown said:I have one.tails1428 said:i would love to find a plain old charmander one of my favorite pokemon.
Because 2/3 people use ubers.Bacon Boy said:So don't I.TravisTouchdown said:I have one.tails1428 said:i would love to find a plain old charmander one of my favorite pokemon.
Why is everybody itching for legendaries?
Traded Pokemon get an experience bonus.Piranha325 said:Yeah because they are stupid.
I was looking through it for some starters and some people want the same starter in return.
I was like WTF?
Probally because they have bad stats?PitFangirl said:Traded Pokemon get an experience bonus.Piranha325 said:Yeah because they are stupid.
I was looking through it for some starters and some people want the same starter in return.
I was like WTF?
However, I've seen people trade low level Pokemon for that same Pokemon but level 100.
no, because their ******** 2 year olds T_TAndrew said:Probally because they have bad stats?PitFangirl said:Traded Pokemon get an experience bonus.Piranha325 said:Yeah because they are stupid.
I was looking through it for some starters and some people want the same starter in return.
I was like WTF?
However, I've seen people trade low level Pokemon for that same Pokemon but level 100.
their stupid, i tend to stray away from them and always discard them in the gamestj7777777 said:I found this nice guy i traded a lv1 phonie beacuse of ditto and wanted a spirtomb and got one lv1 with A MASTER BALL ATTACHED
Enjoy your hacked Masta Ball.tj7777777 said:I found this nice guy i traded a lv1 phonie beacuse of ditto and wanted a spirtomb and got one lv1 with A MASTER BALL ATTACHED
I can create a 100% legit looking PokBiochao said:There are people that complete unfair trades though.
I put up a lv.1 Solrock and wanted a Giratina, any.
I thought it wouldn't happen but I checked later that day and got a lv. 100 Giratina from South Korea.
And it looks legit... caught in turnback cave... normal stats, in an ultra ball...
Or somebody was skilled in Pokesave...