dear w,
I gave you everything. I put my heart and soul into you. For two years. For two whole years, I was madly in love with you. I didn’t want to recognize the red flags. I didn’t want to listen to my friends when they said to leave. I didn’t want to believe you were a bad person. Because you, at the time, were the love of my life. Now, I can’t stand you. You put me through so much bs. I changed myself for you. I pushed away my closest friends for you. I put people through things they never should’ve been put through, for you. You made me a mean person. You made me insecure and defensive. You made me dependent. It’s unfair what you did. And to continue hurting me after I’ve moved on, after months of not speaking, after finally getting over you, you still find ways to get to me. Even when you think I’m not there to listen. When you think I can’t see what you’re doing. I can. And it hurts. Why can’t you leave me alone? Why can’t you just forget about me and act as if I never even existed, I know you want to. The manipulation and the lies don’t seem to stop. I saw what you posted. About me being abusive to you? About me being crazy? About you telling everyone how stupid you were to date me? I saw that. And it made me realize something. After dating you, I still gave you some sort of the beneidet of the doubt and thought, “maybe he wasn’t mature yet. Maybe he didn’t realize what he was doing was toxic.” But no, after seeing that, and talking to one of your “friends” I realized that you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. No, not only did you know what you were doing, but you knew that your behaviors were abusive. I can’t believe that everything you did to me, you turned around and told people that I did those same things to you. You just have to be the victim, huh? And you keep turning people against me for it. You are turning friends of mine, people who know me, people who have known me longer than they’ve known you, against me. All because I’m not there anymore. I’m not there to defend myself, to tell my side of the story. And you know what? ********. I will never be the same person ever again. I will never be able to love someone the same. All because of you. You really really messed me up. And now, you’re not in control of me anymore, yet you’re somehow still controlling me. I let you go, w. I’ve moved on. I don’t love you anymore. So can’t you do the same? Can’t you just for the love of god stop talking about me like I’m the scum of the earth? You know the truth, so stop trying to tell everyone otherwise. Even if they believe you, it’s not fair to keep going. It’s been months. I’m in college now. Leave. Me. Be. I did everything for you, and I got nothing in return. was anything you ever said to me even genuine? I mean, at least a little bit of it had to be, right? I wasn’t the one who kept crawling back every time YOU broke up with ME. Sure, maybe all you cared about was the physical aspect of our relationship, but who are you to go around saying you never even loved me? For at least some duration of it all, you had to have loved me. I know deep down there had to have been at least a glimpse of care. Ha, I never even got real closure with you. Maybe if I did it would’ve made things a little easier on me. On you too. But, you’re a sociopath, and you don’t have real feelings. I hate to say it, but it’s why you’re such a good actor. You know how to mold your emotions to fit the audience that’s listening. I hope reality hits you in the face someday. And I hope your next girlfriend(s) have the opportunity to process your red flags before it’s too late, like I did. I really did love you, with everything I had inside me. I can’t say I wish I never met you, because that would be a lie. There were times where you made me the happiest I had ever been. Unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good in this situation. You need to learn how to be a decent human being before anything else. I’m sorry I let my feelings get the best of me. Please stay out of my life.
With no more love, a.