Writing a novel...


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Hi guys... You know how people sometimes start writing fan fics or stories and never finish them? I'm here to break this trend. I am currently writing a novel that I might actually publish a bit later, and I shall post it chapter-by-chapter only when it is completed, so that might be in a few months, perhaps less if I REALLY work on it.

But I just felt really inspired after being at the sea, and I got a PHENOMENAL idea from reading two different, yet similar in thought patterns, books. Look forward to it!
I wrote a novel. A 106-page one to be exact (it was in Microsoft word, so if you compress the pages to actual book-sized pages, it'd probably be a bit longer than it is). It was more of a comedy, written for my friends. Its chucked-full of inside jokes though, so I have no intention of publishing it.

I sometimes get fantastic, original ideas, but I give up on them 10 minutes later because what would be the point. :\ But there have been young writers, so good luck Bul!
I wrote a story in 6th grade. It was full of Monty Python stuff and random humor. It was funny, probably only at the time in 6th grade.
Good luck Bul.


As for my own novel I'm trying to wrap up the 2009 series. I mean it's fun and all witting it however I'm running out of ideas. So I'm planning on finishing it up over the summer and possibly starting a new fanfic/novel later.