Wrong answers only !!

A T-shirt cannon accidentally fired at Archduke Franz Ferdinand, bestowing him with an undignified “$5 Footlong” T-shirt.

What is the number-one cause of divorce?
Because they’re made out of real life liquid nitrogen.

what is an ‘animal crossing’?
You break it and sip the fluid that leaks.

What happens to objects in water if the density is lower than 1 gram per cubic centimeter?
They e x p a n d

Why did a lot of people hate disco music in the late 70’s?
Because Psyduck lives in Greenland and Golduck lives in Iceland.

What are all of the predators to penguins?
Rolf the villager. No one else.

If money actually grew on trees, how long would it take for the bills to fully grow?
Infinite years. They actually do grow on trees, you'll just never live to see it happen.

Who is the richest human on the planet?