How does this game compare to the original Xenoblade Chronicles?
The gameplay as a whole I would say is better than the original. Not that the original was bad or anything, just that everything has been refined and polished more. It improves upon what was already good gameplay. There's not really much to say on it since it really is "just the first game, but better" in regards to gameplay.
The environments are better. The original was vast, but it felt a lot like most of it was needlessly large empty patches of flat grass/snow/metal/innards with nothing in it. It was large for the sake of being large rather than it contributing to the game a lot of the time. As well as quite obvious limits on where you could and couldn't go in certain places, usually from vertical walls that are impossible to climb.
So far I've not really found anywhere in X that I haven't been able to get to somehow and there's not really any places that feel empty. Everything feels like it's there to add to the environment rather than to force you to play longer by having 5 miles of absolutely nothing between two locations.
Story and characters I don't feel I can make a totally fair judgement on right now since I've mostly done side quests and screwed around, so I've not seen much of either.
I so far prefer the characters from the first game though
(by which I mean party members, villains and other significant characters). They made more of an impact in a shorter amount of time than almost anybody I've come across in X so far. Lin is really the only character that stands out to me in X, mostly because a majority of her dialogue has been humorous. Elma looks cool, but it kinda ends there right now.
My opinion on the characters will likely be more positive once I've gotten further into it, but the first games cast still stood out more from the moment you met each character. I'm not really sure who anybody is outside of Lin and Elma in X.
The noppon you're stuck with in this game, Tatsu, is 100% less of an annoying fecal **** bag than Riki though, which is reason enough to praise the game.
The voice cast isn't made up entirely of British regional accents though, so the game gets a 0/10: not enough cockney.