XiaoNu's ~RESETTING~ Thread (need lots of help!!)

I do hope you can find holders for your villagers =) Especially Lolly, hahahaha ^^
I am already holding a villager for someone, and my town's full... I might be able to get the hold villager out and hold one for you, I will let you know if I can manage!!

Thank you <3 and yes, she's my all time favorite ;w; I'm so thankful for the kind people who gave me my dreamies. It's a big reason why I don't want to let them go because of the people who gave them to me. I appreciate your reply :). If you do let me know I appreciate it! I'll write on the main post who's holding which villagers if it does get settled out :)
Thank you so much :) If you have any contact info like a messenger, it would be alot easier. I'm also pretty tired as well, so tonight is inconvenient. I want to try to move fast so I'm hoping I can find a few people to hold villagers all at once and do the moving out in one day for each person who holds. and just get this whole thing done as painlessly and quickly as possible. ^^; If I can't get enough people, don't worry about it. My plan B is to probably buy a second copy used, transfer everything back and forth after the reset. If I can get my friend to let me borrow her 3ds, but I'd have to wait a long while until she wants to hang out. It really depends on who is more reliable ;w; thank you again if I can make this work
I'll shoot you a PM with my Skype information if you have that? :)

I fortunately got lucky when I reset my town and I didn't bother with moving my dreamies over, just items + bells and I've made everything back - but I only had 3 of my dreamies. I was very lucky with using plot resetting/campers to get them back. ^^
Thank you ^^ I'm still looking for villager holders ~

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll shoot you a PM with my Skype information if you have that? :)

I fortunately got lucky when I reset my town and I didn't bother with moving my dreamies over, just items + bells and I've made everything back - but I only had 3 of my dreamies. I was very lucky with using plot resetting/campers to get them back. ^^

Ah that's good ;; I'm really new to the resetting villagers so I just wanted to try an get them all held ;; I'm going to try to plot reset their houses nicely this time though so hopefully that will work out okay. And that'd be great thank you ^^ we can add each other

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If I had to choose though, I'd sacrifice all except merengue , lolly , ruby, and zell. If that makes it easier , I'd appreciate If anyone has my other dreamies in their cycle town, if I could have them. (Peaches, Benjamin, lily, flurry, pompom)
Sorry for the late reply everyone!! I managed to reset my town with a map I really like, upgraded my house, upgrade all of main st (except katrina), and transfer all of my items over. I managed to get this done in less than a week, which was MUCH quicker than expected. Thank you to all that offered help, and I want to thank Danielle! Sorry I didn't reply to everyone about this. I was really busy trying to get all that done as fast as possible, and it took a few days. 8 of my villagers are on hold until I get the pwp's requested from crankies, jocks, and uchi's. Another person is holding my 9th dreamie for me. I wanted to say thank you ;;. My dreamies are none of these personalities, so I'm trying as fast as I can to get them to suggest these pwps I want before I get them to move out.. its taking a long time.. I also plan to plot reset so moving each villager in at a time may take awhile as its very specific, and I need to dish out alot of bells on fountain pwps to help with the plot resetting. THEN I can demolish them and start on the real pwps after my villagers are all moved in. I also want to get perfect town pwps so I need to get working on the fountains and plant a bunch of trees and time travel to get the flower clock. I've been loosing a ton of sleep over this because I don't want to keep anybody waiting ;.; (holding my villagers for so long I'm sorry) Feel free to ignore this post. I'm using this for reference to help myself as a note. Again, thank you to those who helped me! I'd also like to thank batocto for helping me plan out my plots and teaching me more about it. its still a work in progress ^^

tdlr; goals left to do until completion
1. get cranky, uchi, and jock pwps suggested
2. place plot resetting pwps technique (awaiting assistance) (fountains/street lights)
3. plant trees and get perf. town rating for the pwp. remove trees afterward.
4. **get all 9 dreamies moved in. Find Diana for sale or giveaway and move her in (keeping the pwps still)**
(long step, it is unpredictable how long it will take to get the plot reset in the correct placement and moving unwanted villagers out)
5. All 10 dreamies in place, start removing the plot reset pwps. Build qr paths, add bushes, flowers, and trees. And begin playing as normal and relaxed :)

Flower Clock - 87,000 Bells - must have Perfect Town rating
Wooden Bridge - 298,000 Bells - requested by Cranky villagers
Zen Streetlight - 64,000 Bells - requested by Cranky villagers
Picnic Blanket (2x3) - 39,800 Bells - requested by Uchi villagers
Windmill - 372,000 bells requested by uchi villagers
Log Bench (2x1) - 38,000 Bells - requested by Uchi villagers
Video Screen - 248,000 bells requested by jock villagers
Instrument shelter - 42,000 bells requested by jock villagers

------------------later when my dreamies move in-----------------------------------------
Outdoor Chair (1x2) - 23,400 Bells - requested by Normal villagers
Hammock (2x1) - 32,000 Bells - requested by Lazy villagers
Bell - requested by Peppy villagers
Fairy-Tale Bench - 52,800 Bells - requested by Normal villagers
Modern Bench - 52,800 Bells - requested by Snooty villagers
Fairy-Tale Bridge - 298,000 Bells - requested by Peppy villagers
Illuminated Clock - 146,000 Bells - requested by Peppy villagers
Fairy-Tale Clock - 78,000 Bells - requested by Normal villagers
Fountain - 99,800 bells - available from the beginning
Fairy-Tale Streetlight - 64,000 Bells - requested by Normal villagers
Balloon Arch - 86,000 Bells - requested by Lazy villagers
Flower Arch - 87,000 Bells - requested by Normal villagers
Illuminated Arch - 148,000 Bells - requested by Snooty villagers
Custom design sign - 40,000 bells - available from beginning
Face cut out standee - 50,000 bells available from the beginning
Flower Bed - 26,400 Bells and is requested by Normal villagers.
Hot Spring - 98,000 bells requested by snooty villagers
Illuminated Heart - 136, 000 bells requested by peppy villagers
Illuminated Tree - 128,000 bells requested by peppy villagers
Jungle Gym - 69,800 bells request by lazy villagers
Statue Fountain - 88,000 bells requested by snooty villagers
Water Pump - 42,000 bells requested by lazy villagers
Lighthouse - 372,000 bells requested by any villager
*3-4 mill bells needed for plot resetting pwps*

Ah that's good to hear ^^ I kinda was hoping this thread wouldn't be posted on to prevent spam or bring up old topics, but I don't want to close it per say until I finish moving in my dreamies (in case of needed help).
I am glad I reset and thanks for everyone who helped so far or offered help~ I am currently am working on getting pwps from the uchi villager and then I will bring in my dreamies on hold.