Yahoo Reviews Professor Layton

:lol: Flamenco.

This game looks interesting, and just as fan-cult-worthy as Phoenix Wright.
I was going to buy it until I promised my mom I wouldn't buy any more video games if she let me get Brawl when it comes out. I'll buy it later though.
I just got it today.

Game owns. Art style, music, ambience -- all very well done. Plays like a point and click/puzzle game, but with a relatively deep story + likable characters. Very nice.

Some of the puzzles had me thinking for 30+ minutes (well, just one puzzle so far), and I'm only at the 1:30hr mark.
Bulerias said:
I just got it today.

Game owns. Art style, music, ambience -- all very well done. Plays like a point and click/puzzle game, but with a relatively deep story + likable characters. Very nice.

Some of the puzzles had me thinking for 30+ minutes (well, just one puzzle so far), and I'm only at the 1:30hr mark.
I might get this game tomorrow.