The $15 isn't inclusive of paypal fees? Will this be digitally coloured?
hi, what would you consider be the conversion if I wanted to bid with RLC, but there is a TBT offer already?
wait am I dumb this is a selling not auction?
These aren't a couple but I don't have any male OCs they could go with ;___;
Maybe....1k? <\3
jk is selling thread not auction. i'll offer $20 for us.
thanks for the offer, I'll accept!
no need to drag it on I guess
Please send to yeoncco @ and if you have any specific notes regarding looks/facial expression/etc contact me via PM ☆
discontinue doing them on tbt (???)
discontinue doing them
//flies to the ground
but if that's what you want that's fine of course hahahah
I never managed to offer enough anyway ;_____;
And I already got a art which is beautiful tyyyyy xD