Cycling YoRHa Cycling | In Boxes: -- | Lurkers welcome! | New: Sprocket, Tutu, Becky

So basically you can lurk for a villager that you're looking for, and when you're a lurker, I'll tag you once when the villager has arrived in town, and once again when they're in boxes. If you're available to pick them up, I'll send you a dodo code, and you show up with payment & invite the villager to live on your island.

Sure, I'll add you to the list! I just replied to someone's question above, and maybe that information will help you out too~
ah okay thank you!
( Fin. YoRHa Adopted.png

Apple The Hamster.png
Apple The Peppy Hamster has found a new home! <

~Continuing cycling - will be on for the next 6 hours~

( Fin. YoRHa Voided.png

Leonardo The Tiger.png
Leonardo The Jock Tiger has been auto-voided! <

( Fin. YoRHa New Arrival.png

Wolfgang The Wolf.png
Wolfgang The Cranky Wolf has arrived in YoRHa! <

[ Lurker Alert: @Goop, @Natsumi99 ]

Benedict The Chicken.png
Benedict The Lazy Chicken has arrived in YoRHa! <

( Fin. YoRHa In Boxes.png

Rudy The Cat.png
Rudy The Jock Cat is in boxes! <

He is Tier 3 & goes for 10 NMT or 1mil IGB

[ Lurker Alert: @Samky414, @succulents ]
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I ended up getting Punchy so I'd like to lurk for Kabuki and Genji now please! Sorry I keep changing my mind lol
Lurking for Raymond. I've been trying to find him via a campsite (been grinding last few days) and i'm getting a little tired xD
Hello! Just wanted to let you know you can take me off the lurker list for Sydney; I was able to adopt her from someone else. Thank you very much though!
Hello! I just got Raymond, so I’d like to stop lurking for him and start lurking got Cookie. :) Thank you!
Could I leave the lurking for Fang, Kidd, and Merengue and be added to Marshal instead? Thanks so much! :)
Hello, I don't need to lurk for Jacques or marina anymore, but ill lurk for raymond and coco c: