I would love to lurk for Fang or Zucker please ^_^
i'm new to this, is it ok if i lurk for judy??
Hi! I am no longer lurking for Pompom
Thank you ^_^ no longer need Zucker just Fang.
may i lurk for Roald please?
Lurking for:
Sorry, cancel lurking for Lucky! Just got him today Thank you!
Hi I'm very new to cycling threads but super interested by Lionel! So as you have him I'm not sure if I should say I'm lurking for him or just interested in him? In any case, please let me know!
Can I lurk for Tasha and Tad please?
I know many have been lurking for him but lurking for Raymond too...? I spent 500 tickets for him and I still can't find him...
Lurking for Diana...!
Lurking for Chester!
Lurking for Molly! How do you time travel to get someone into boxes fast? - could you please tell me how? I've tried for 20 days in TT and no one asked to move out yet!