good luck at work!
Thank you for that! It wasn't too bad~
You can actually take me off the Sylvana lurking list. Thanks so much though. I'm sure I'll end up on the list again later, haha
Oh wow, did you find Sylvana? That's awesome! Thanks for lurking, hope to see you on the thread again sometime in the future~
Can I lurk for Raymond, Marshall or Maple please? Probably a long list for them, but figured it’s worth trying. Thank you so much!
Edit: Lurking for just Raymond. Found Marshall and Maple. Thank you!
Wasn't a long list at all, since I allow 3 lurks per person, so you're good! Congrats on finding Maple & Marshall! I'll add you to the list now for Raymond~
Hey! Thank you but I found Tad recently! Thanks for the alert
That's awesome, congratulations! <3
Is it alright if I lurk for Caroline? She's a sweetheart and I never see her up for trade ;;
Aw yeah, I know it's difficult to find the more underrated villagers ;-; I'll definitely add you to the list for her~
could i please lurk for peggy?
Absolutely, adding you to the list now!
hiya, just letting you know I'm no longer lurking for Apollo but will still be lurking for Judy!
Awesome, congrats for finding Apollo! Thanks for letting me know, I'll update the list~
I'm home from work and will now continue to cycle. Hopefully someone will actually end up in boxes this time.