Your airport color determines which item colors you get


Fairy Godmother/Partially Obscured Floaty Thing
May 6, 2020
Tasty Cake
Timmy Christmas Doll
Pink Hybrid Rose
Famous Mushroom
Green Feather
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Yeah there was a thread earlier this week on here linking to a reddit post about it. Seems like it’s pretty true that this is the case!
Unrelated- but I'm bothered by Gamespot's lazy journalism (and other "journalists" covering AC). They literally just took someone's picture from Reddit (they did give the person citation at the top), and now it's an article that clogs up my search results lol. At least this time they aren't publishing wrong information.
I have an orange airport so all my colors are boring or don't match the aesthetic im trying to attain on my island which is why I haven't purchased really ANYTHING from the Nook Miles sets. :/
this would have been useful to know while starting my island... i still like the yellow airport better though even if the items aren't the best.
I hate this so much, it's definitely true. I go with a yellow airport because it's my favorite, but the color selection makes no sense. Why does it affect popular items though? How does a bronze lantern fit a yellow airport...
I have a feeling this would have changed what colour some people picked, had we known about this early on. I had the green airport and i love my teacup ride color! but i am starting over so...
At first I didn’t mind too much, since I have direct access to two friends’ items (so 3/4 of Airport/Item sets). Thinking about it though, it really does suck and seem very unfair for those unable to do any trading.

I don’t like how many things are exclusive to the individual copy in NH. At least with Pokémon you can see in advance what the version-exclusives are—with this game however, we don’t find out until two months in, when people have likely settled into their Islands and resetting for particular items has become much less feasible.
Oh, Blue Airport is pretty accurate.
I'll definitely take note of this post when I start resetting so I can get either my blue airport back or a Green airport. Not a big fan of the other color selections.
I have the green airport, I went with one of the first 4 map choices and agreed I wasn't going to reset at all to get a different fruit, villagers or airport color.
The items are spot on though. Glad I got the green one at this point, that black street lamp is probably my favorite of the four.
I didn't hate that I had a green airport, but it wasn't my favorite at first but I've grown to love it!
I have the green airport and im super happy with the airport itself and the items I got! im really thankful, I only reset one time when starting the game because I got cherries as a town fruit and that was the one fruit I really did not want to get.
Only thing that upset me about the green airport is that we got blue Godzilla instead of black or brown, other than that I’ve always been happy with the color of my airport, it goes with my woodsy theme. I’m glad I didn’t have to reset at all.

Seems like the tea cup ride and springey ride-on from the green set is really popular though. I’ve had people messaging me about getting them zebra ride-ons. If anyone reading needs anything from the green set, message me. I do equal exchange for NMTs. It’s unfair that these items are color locked.
All the people dragging green airports at the start of the game gotta be eating their words now— overall we have the best items
Who dragged em?! Crazy, I love lime and lemon airports. I just happened to get a good 2 starters so I stuck with orange.

Anyway, here's the picture from the reddit link:


What I don't get is why did they pair the white lamp with the silver clock, the black lamp with the white clock, the bronze lamp with the black clock, and the green lamp with the bronze clock? It's like they did this intentionally to encourage trade as nothing matches.
Unrelated- but I'm bothered by Gamespot's lazy journalism (and other "journalists" covering AC). They literally just took someone's picture from Reddit (they did give the person citation at the top), and now it's an article that clogs up my search results lol. At least this time they aren't publishing wrong information.

Gotta chase those clicks! Though a lot of journalism lately involves just posting stuff from social media and selling it as content. There is too much junk out there, so while at first it may seem lazy, they can at least filter though a lot of it for the average person.
Unrelated- but I'm bothered by Gamespot's lazy journalism (and other "journalists" covering AC). They literally just took someone's picture from Reddit (they did give the person citation at the top), and now it's an article that clogs up my search results lol. At least this time they aren't publishing wrong information.
Polygon have had a run doing this recently too, they did a post on Raymond not too long ago that was essentially three or four sentences of "news" and then easily upwards of 20 Tweets they just embedded onto the page. Job done! I need to get into games journalism...

Interesting all the same - now there's another thing for people to look out for when they restart their island!
I hate that I got a blue airport now. I hate the black stuff. I want colorful stuff