Do you wanna finish the RV's tomorrow? If you have any spare time right now, I'm available!
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Do you wanna finish the RV's tomorrow? If you have any spare time right now, I'm available!
hi o: i'm ready to visit Filly's RV whenever you are available ^^
Would you by any chance have some leopard pumps? Gracie is in my town :'(
Hi there, my I please buy a cabana floor from you if you have one?
HiSure. You free now?
I'm sorry, I dozed off a bit.I am, and if you could use this fc:0448-1194-8380, my nintendo is being repaired, I'm using my brothers.
Hello there!
Would it be possible for me to catalog the polka dot furniture set?I didn't see anything about the cost for cataloging but if you need tbt or something like that I'd happily pay c:
Alright, adding the FC. Will you add FC1?
Adding now, should I open?
Alright, adding the FC. Will you add FC1?
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Hi! Sure, cataloging service is free.I will be ready after the trade with the other person.
Please add town FC for Mystia.
How much do I owe you?![]()
Oh okay great, thank you so much! I'll be ready once you're done~
However much you think is fair in tbt is fine by me.
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I'll be ready shortly. Will you open your gate for me please?