Your current obsession?

It's a 3 way tie between Animal Crossing, Black Desert Online and Simon and Martina's youtube channel.
I've been really into technology a lot lately. Cars, game systems, computers, phones, tablets, smartwatches, etc. It's a very expensive obsession.
mine is actually the acnl side of tumblr rn haha
i made my tumblr maybe a month ago, and the community has been SO welcoming (the number of followers i already have is fAr above any follower count i ever expected ;;; ). i've made a lovely mutual over the last week and she's gotten me hooked on marina and the diamonds too :)
I've been into collecting vintage clown dolls, it's really nice because most thins I've been into collecting in the past are so pricey that I either can't buy them very often, or have to lower the quality of my food to afford them, but vintage clown dolls seem to just manifest in hoards at thrift shops.

I've also been into ball-jointed dolls, which are the opposite of cheap, so I only have one full doll so far.
Currently wigs, especially how you make a cheap one look very real~
Let's just say my life is rythmed by video games so it's basically my obsession all the time.
But the game I'm obssessed with currently are Minecraft (with friends, this is so fun! The nostalgia kicks back big time too), Smite, and I'm coming back on Overwatch for role queue (finally the justice gays have been asking for.)
i've been really into danganronpa and animal crossing lately. weird.
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When I was younger, I always wanted a floppy ear rabbit. This year, my husband got me two.

I mean I knew I always wanted them, but I never expected to be so so in love with them. I never expected to behave in the way that they do either.. it's just truly a joy for me. I'm in the process of building them little houses with a sun deck and stairs <3_<3

This is a link to my plans if you want to make a quality furbaby house ♥
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ACNL is my current obsession. I just started up my second town so it's going to be taking up even more of my time over the next few months.
SECOND?! Im on my first. Making campsite today. Someone please open their gate on local bc i wanna visit someone. Or if u wanna visit me i can open meh gate

Town of Anapolis

Pashmina (pash)


Native fruit

Fc ( gate always locally open if u want it to be)
2466 6727 6105
Well, other than Animal crossing. My current obsession is (and has been for the past few years) Danganronpa. Honestly, I didn't think I could like a game series this much or for this long. I think it must be due to the fact that I met all my online friends through Danganronpa.
ACNL, honestly! I've been playing non-stop just waiting until New Horizons comes out! I hope to be able to get it as an early birthday present (fingers crossed) ;u;
I've been watching and reviewing cartoons lately and it's really fun! I love cartoons and I love to write, so put those 2 together and it's a great hobby for me. :)

Also, I've been drawing a LOT. I'm not good at art whatsoever, but for some reason drawing is really relaxing for me to do. Even though I'm not good at art, I'm going to keep drawing for fun regardless. ❤️