your favorite collectibles in your lineup?


if it was you I'd never want to leave...
Aug 8, 2015
Pink Summer Shell
whats the most favorite collectibles you have in your line up? mine are definitely the popsicles.
mine is only feathers rn, but i love them! they're probably my favorite collectibles :')
I really like my Pinwheelio, but I gotta go with the Pokeball. A couple users pulled together and knocked the down price when I couldn't afford it and I'll never forget that. It really showed how kind this community could be sometimes.
My lineup is pretty sweet. But I still like the Dark Egg.
sell it to me :p

15k and it's a deal :)))

- - - Post Merge - - -

I really like my Pinwheelio, but I gotta go with the Pokeball. A couple users pulled together and knocked the down price when I couldn't afford it and I'll never forget that. It really showed how kind this community could be sometimes.

Oh yeah, I remember I donated something insignificant like 50TBT....sorry lmao xD
Glad you got it though haha
my lineup is just pansies... haha— i did used to have a blue balloon, from 2014, but i sold it :p
I have no favorite, simply because I have no collectables. What else could I say?
my favorite is probably aesthetically pleasing ones, same color stuff. But I can't afford don't really collect collectibles so I leave mine as is.
All of them but especially the dark egg and chocolate cake since they were kindly gifted by two amazing friends :')
My two absolutely favourites were both gifted to me by the same dear friend ♥ ♥ ♥ ... My December Birthstone in memory of my Mother and the Weird Doll in celebration of all that is strangely and weirdly adorable :rolleyes:
favorite in my lineup?

well right now that would be pokeball, altho togepi is right behind it
my lump of coal, my shamrock, my peach and my popsicle - they were wonderful surprises!! <3
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