Your favorite villager?

It's so hard to say, because I have a lot of favourites, lol. But I guess if I had to pick it's probably Whitney or Diana. They're both super cute and my favourite personality type.
The absolute N?1 would be Knox, even though I don't have him yet....DAMN BUD JUST MOVE OUT ALREADY so I can start plot resetting...

Of the ones I do have now, it has to be Boone. I'm also fond of Julian and Agent S, but the fact that my dear Boone tried to move today just made me realize how much I care about him and how sad I'd be if he left.

Let's just say that Knox is my dream prince, but Boone is my best bro <3
Savannah :3 She was the first normal personality village I met back in ACWW and she's been my fave since ^^

I eventually want all bunny villagers but I'll be keeping Savannah still! (I'll just give her a top with a bunny on to wear lol >.>)
Whitney, even though I'm not huge on snooty personality types she grew on me very quickly. She also was the first to give me her picture. :'D
I'm not normally a fan of jock personalities but Kody is my all time favourite because i've had him in every game apart from new leaf