Your favourite AC game

New Leaf, although I haven't actually played either of the console versions yet, and there are most definitely some features from Wild World that I think are better than New Leaf, mostly how the villagers talk a lot more.
New leaf is my favourite game for certain. I love not only the gameplay and awesome features but alsk the amazing community.
Wild World will always hold a special place in my heart from playing it when I was very young. Thinking back, I like it in many ways more than New Leaf.
But also, I like that New Leaf puts you in the driving seat, and you can customise your town however you please=).
New Leaf definitely, although I adored Wild World when I was younger
Population Growing definitely. I've been thinking about quitting acnl and only playing on my gamecube town. I still play it and idk, it's just more fun and special to me. New Leaf feels like a chore because of the dumb villager issues, it makes me feel like I can't take a real hiatus. I love how I can come back to my gamecube town years later like nothing ever happened.
New Leaf. No question. Although I loved Wild World, it had some serious issues... Plus no deers. I need deers.
New Leaf is the game I've spent the most time on. All the new features might explain this.

1. New Leaf
2. Population Growing
3. Wild World
4. City Folk
Definitely New Leaf, there's so much to do! I would order them like this:
1. New Leaf
2. Wild World
3. Population Growing
4. City Folk