Your first villager

I have no idea about my first town ever in any Animal Crossing game - my first was in CF in 2010, the only villager I remember having was Jitters.
However, in ACNL it was Deirdre, not one of my faves, but she's alright lol
I think mine was Julian. He turned out to be one of my dreamies. He moved away, sadly. I have to get him back. :/
Walker, Ruby and Joey in WW
Chevre, Biskit, Portia, Del, and Sly in NL.
The first to move in was goldie or shep
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I can't remember if it was Lionel or Muffy. It doesn't matter, because they've been here ever since. And coincidentally, they're next door neighbors. Couldn't have asked for a better Uchi or a better Smug.
Long long ago, before I knew about online things and selling villagers, my first move in was Ankha who I thought looked ugly so I voided her
For my current town? It was Shari, I legit cried for a day.. and highly considered resetting even though I had LOLLY as a starter.
My first was Shari T.T what's funny is, my sister had the SAME first villager to move in? (and no, we don't use the same ds/game. We live on opposite sides of the country lol)
I can't remember my first villagers on my ACNL, but I do remember the most memorable villager on my gamecube Animal Crossing was Kiki! I loved her house.