When I first got animal crossing new leaf, the animals in my first town was Fauna, Beau, Velma, Bud, and Anticonni(not sure of I spelt her name right). But I never really have a town longer than a couple of weeks. I really want things organize.
Bella (female peppy mouse)
Walker (male lazy dog - still in my town after ten years)
Can't remember the last villager but I think it was someone like Poncho (male jock bear)
It was so long ago that I have forgotten most, but I remember Punchy, Caroline, Mitzi, Melba, Tipper, Robin, Dotty, Dizzy...yeah. I can't quite remember the rest!
If I remember correctly, my first 3 villagers in my Wild World town were Bill, Static, and Nan. The only original that still lives in my town is Nan, because she is locked into my town with Rosie.