Your ideas for the next TBT Fair!


Jan 23, 2014
3 Envelopes
10 Envelopes
5 Envelopes
Small Mailbox
If you could design your own TBT Fair, what would it look like? What theme would you go for and what kinds of events would you include?

I think if I could design my own TBT Fair, I'd like to make it a farm or orchard theme! I think it might be cool if we did tasks together to grow a fruitful harvest. Maybe our lineups could have the crops from ACNH and we could interact with each other to grow our lineup crops to their maximum harvestable potentials. (and then we make a community soup!) It might also be fun if you could choose between a crop harvesting lineup and an animal husbandry lineup for different types of materials to collect (i.e. a cow lineup gives you milk, a chicken lineup gives you eggs).

I'm interested in hearing everyone else's ideas too!
I would be more for a culinary theme. I do like food.

Contests include:
  • Interior Design Contest (Harv’s Restaurant Renovation)
  • Writing Contest (Fiction Recipe Writing)
  • Art Drawing Contest (Culinary Drawing Contest)
  • Collectible Design Contest (Cook a New Collectible)
Events include:
  • New Horizons Photo Challenge (Cooking Photos)
  • House of Mirrors (Recipe for Disaster)
  • Avatar and Signature event (Come to the Kitchen)
  • Collectible Sidebar Design (Collectible Plate)
  • Dusting Event (Crumb Collecting)
  • Lineart Coloring Event (Coloring Cookbook)
  • Count Inside the Bottle (Count Inside the Bottle)
  • Cooking Event (Three-Course Dinner)
  • Discord Trivia (Trivia Dining Room)
  • Scavenger Hunt (Ingredient Hunt)
  • Dress-Up Event (Kitchen Uniforms)
  • Five Items Event (Tools for the Cook)
Collectibles Include:
  • Multi-Colored Cupcakes (akin to the feathers)
  • Hot Dog
  • Hamburger
  • Pepperoni Pizza Slice
  • Cheese Pizza Slice
  • Mushroom Pizza Slice
  • Animated Neon Sign Collectible
Oh, and add some actual web games to play, just like Neopets and the 2017 TBT Fair.
An actual summer themed tbt fair with all the beaches and the other sea stuff would be nice. With collectibles like crystallized seashells which are basically sea glass and maybe some collectibles themed after coastal items.

The events are also sea-themed. The dusting event would just be sand 🤣.
Maybe a music theme?

Events could maybe be something like:
-Write song lyrics with an Animal Crossing theme
-Decorate a room in ACNH for a musical performance
-A scavenger hunt involving finding things like musical instruments, albums, etc. (Although... if this were a camp instead of a fair, then it could be band camp and this might be better as a team scavenger hunt where each team has to find as many instruments and such as possible.)
-Design a K.K. album cover (this could link back to the song lyrics event, and you'd have to make the cover for someone else's song)
-Design a gyroid
-Dress your ACNH character for their musical performance
-Maybe something involving guessing a part of a K.K. song that's been distorted in some way, or an album art/partial album art that's been distorted, mirror-style.. Or gyroid mirrors/find the gyroid
-A little forum scavenger hunt with some things hidden in music related threads that you have to locate using a given hint

Some possible collectibles:
A new gyroid, or multiple gyroids
Maybe a frog head similar to the ones used for the town/island tune
Or just a frog villager
Music note, maybe a glowing one like from the glow-in-the-dark stickers item
Instrument of some kind
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Two of my favourite themes have already been done (enchanted forest and celestial). Maybe a dessert/pastry theme? I gathered what I could for my current lineup but we need more! Maybe cupcakes, ice creams, etc.
I would rly like to see an underwater/mermaid theme!! Ngl having Jellyfish as the only sea collectibles is kinda sad so I would like for them to have friends LOL

Other themes I'm open to are ice-themed, royal-themed and smth animal-themed (only the cute animals tho, like cats and rabbits)
I would love a Circus or a decades theme. For the decades Week 1 would focus on 1960s, Week 2 1970s, etc. I think it would be fun to have some nostalgia themed collectibles! Vinyl, Lava lamps, peace sign, etc! Some of them have made a comeback, but they did orignate from the 60s/70s! We could decorate a room for each genre!
Well, next year will be Camp and I would like it to be Adventure Camp. It would be similar to the first Camp TBT only instead of cabins we are assigned into expedition teams. There would be more gyroid, plush and fish collectibles as prizes. For the next Fair though, I like the ocean/beach ideas. We have limited aquatic collectibles and it would be great to finally have Underwater Scenery.
The farm theme!
A basket with veggies would be a cute collectible.

Actually, even getting plushies to breed other plushies could be fun too really. (Similar to flowers but doesn't have to be as numerous)

Could pick plain colored eggs that could hatch into something via rng as another idea. It does limit it to fowl and fish though.

Mystery seeds and watering cans for veggie collectibles, rng.

Bait bugs via rng with honey collectible that disappears, or even bait with flowers.

Could get chicken collectibles to rng out eggs to gift to team npc to reach milestone goals. Could also choose to keep egg to hatch into a different color chicken that produces different colored plain egg to be worth more points to npc... Or keep again for even rarer color and egg point value.
Vague example idea:
White chicken plush- common, in shop. One per person.
Produces white eggs. 1pt worth per egg to npc.
If you choose to keep egg...White egg hatches into white chicken plush or in rare cases, a brown chicken.
Brown chicken lays brown eggs. 3pts worth per egg to npc.
Brown eggs hatched brown chicken plush or in rare cases a black chicken.
Black chicken lays green eggs. 6pts worth per egg to npc.
Green eggs hatch black chickens.
If black chicken is beside white chicken and produces green egg, then speckled black and white chicken could hatch.
Speckled chicken produces blue egg. 10 pts worth per egg to npc.
Not sure what should happen to blue eggs if chosen to be kept. Maybe any chicken?

... I like rng 🤷
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I personally don’t think my ideas will ever happen, but I miiiight actually be cooking right now. 👀

First idea is a ninja themed one. It could also be imperial themed by extension, but I would love this. The collectibles could be things like shurikens and katanas but I’m not sure how good those would actually work as collectibles. The dusting event could be us collecting spring blossom flowers. I don’t think this will ever happen, but I just like ninjas lmao.

Another idea I had was possibly something ice themed? The dusting could be replaced with snowflakes, but I’m stuck on which collectibles to use since we obviously already have winter themed collectibles. Maybe an ice wand (I know there’s already a snowflake one)? Or an animated snowing cloud? I feel like this would be the only one out of all of my ideas that people would actually want to happen.

A desert themed fair sounds nice too. I’m sure that has a lot of collectible potential with ones that are western themed or just Egyptian themed.
What about a book fair~?
I haven't really had time to overly think of it, but like we could dress our reps as book characters we enjoy, and explain the reason we chose it.
Design a lil book fair or library in the game. Short story compeiitions, haikus etc. Maybe something about what books we used to buy as children, and what books we read now, this could me comics, manga, audio books etc Heck, I still have books I bought at book fairs when I was younger.
Maybe draw art of a book cover, animal crossing themed? I miss book fairs ;_;

Similarally to above, but a fairytale themed fair?
This can allow us to explore fairytales and myths (myth fair theme?) from different places and learn of ones that weren't so common. Design our own fairytale or mythical creature. Make a short story about it. Most fairy tales had a theme kids had to learn so that could raise the more difficulty.

Another idea, kinda bias but I would love a Pokemon fair theme!
I know not everyone plays pokemon but I thought it would be fun!

Maybe an indie game fair? I know we did a gaming one ages ago, which I don't think I took part in, but one where we get to explore games that aren't well common? This idea feels more like a small monthyly event honestly.

Lastly, I know its been done and said above before, but I wouldn't mind another beach-y theme fair, I never got to see what that one was like.
I was talking to someone else about this, but I think a woodland theme would be so cute. I never really came up with specific events, but in terms of collectibles we could have plushies based on woodland critters, like a fox plush (pls staff), a bear plush, a raccoon plush, that kind of thing. I think they would be adorable 🥺 and then other collectibles could be things like different mushrooms, acorns, leaves, buggies/fish. you know? I think that would be cool! like a camping trip (but not like Camp TBT's first year, more woodsy).
Maybe an international theme? It can be something like a "study abroad" inspired theme, with different collectibles from all the regions of the world. There can be a contest before hand to help pick several countries that will guide the events and the prizes.

Since next year will be camp, it would also be fun to have something future inspired... sentient AI, flying cars, cyborgs (but the friendly kind, not the kind from Terminator).
How about a fair split into 2 halves, with each half having its own theme?
1st half theme (Birds) and events:
Nest Sweet Nest: home decoration event
Avian Altar: handicrafts event
Mysterious Macaw Mirrors: mirror event (but with a twist)
Magpie Meals: cooking event
Dazzling Duck Drawings: art event
Gardening Geese: Wildlife photo event (mostly flowers, but occasionally animals too)
Dusting with Ducks: dust event, unlocks a villager collectible (that is decided via poll) and event currency

2nd half theme (Ocean life) and events:
Whale of a Tale: writing event
Spot the Shark: hidden object event (think Pin the Tail from this year)
Bandfish Birthdays: birthday event
Eel Egg Hunt: self-explanatory
Capelin Collectibles: collectible scavenger hunt event (you have to search for items that could be considered IRL versions of collectibles, like a dog plushie for the Puppy Plushie collectibles.)
Dartfish Dusting: dust event, unlocks include the event currency, bells, and a special villager collectible (again, decided via poll) at the end.

Speaking of collectibles, let's go over those now! Each half will have its own collectibles
Bird collectibles and event currency:
Parakeet Plush, costs 5 event currency
Macaw Mittens, costs 4 event currency
Birdhouse, costs 10 event currency
Special Villager Collectible, unlocked through Dusting with Ducks: 25 event currency
Cardinal of Remembrance Plush: costs 10 event currency
Robo-Raven: costs 12 event currency, and a special variant, the Crystal Robo-Raven, is released via raffle.
Great Horned Owl Glow Wand: costs 55 event currency
Staff Favorite Collectible: Phoenix
Raffles: Crystal Robo-Raven Raffle, 1 winner.
IRL Cardinal of Remembrance Plush raffle, 3 winners, and 6 people can buy it outright.
Event Currency: Birdseed

Ocean Life collectibles and currency:
Ribbon Eel: 2 event currency
Ocean Sunfish, 8 event currency
Oarfish (as one collectible, not segments that make up a collectible, so its technically a variant), 18 event currency
Happy Shark Plushie (comes in Great White and Hammerhead variants), 23 event currency
Special Ocean Villager Collectible, unlocked via Dartfish Dusting: 19 event currency
Sea Anemone of Anger plush: 22 currency
Clownfish Glow Wand: 49 event currency
Staff Favorite Collectible: Coelacanth (I hope I spelled that right)
Raffles: Clownfish Plushie Raffle, 4 winners.
Long Oarfish Plushie (Physical Prize): 2 winners, and 3 people can buy it outright.
Event Currency: Sand Dollars

Last up, we have the Physical Prizes! Of course, we would have the Eshop Card, and the Mailbox Packs, but we would also have a few new prizes:
Long Oarfish Plushie: A plushie based on everyone's favorite long fish boi, the Oarfish. Stock: 3, 2 to be Raffled Off, 1 special variant
Cardinal of Remembrance: An IRL version of one of our newest Fair collectibles, the Cardinal of Remembrance. Stock: 6, 3 to be Raffled.
Sand Dollar Frisbee: ever wanted to keep a Sand Dollar, but your parents wouldn't let you take it outside the beach? Well, now you can, thanks to this Frisbee that looks exactly like one! Stock: 2
Bluebird of Happiness Standee: a Standee based on our Bluebird of Happiness collectible. You are allowed to ask for your Resident Rep to be featured alongside it. Stock: 4
Special Long Oarfish Plushie variant: Whoops! Looks like somebody forgot to lock the doors last night, as Zipper made his own version of the Oarfish Plushie! Thankfully, he only made one, but it seems like he wants it to be a part of the Fair's prizes. How could we say no? Stock: 1

(I put way too much thought into this lol)