Your most precious Animal Crossing memories


Jul 27, 2016
So, pretty much everyone here obviously devotes a decent amount of time to Animal Crossing and we all clearly care enough about it to write on an internet forum about it, and that leads me to believe I'm far from the only person this series is sentimental to. What are your fondest memories, across the board, including all Animal Crossing games you've played?

I have a lot, and I don't won't to expend them all in one post, but in high school me and my cousin, who was practically my only real friend in the school I was attending at the time used to send each other items in the original Animal Crossing using the code system. We would write down the codes in the notes section of our manual and exchange manuals each morning. It's the only time I can ever recall using the notes section of a manual.

(also shameless plug for my article on NintendoFuse. It was actually the first professionally published article I had written.)
When I first started playing I would browse tumblr for Animal Crossing 24/7. This game was my life.
During the time when I was back in High School, I would take days off of school (boy do I regret doing this) so that my friend and I could play the game all day. We would spend hours at each other's towns and mess around with the Wii speak. I also have many memories with other people worldwide. That was when a lot more users were active, I had met and made so many new friends within only a year or so. City Folk was by far the most memorable game! :D
my most memorable moments (by game);

acgc - going to the island for the first time! i was basically screaming with excitement.
acww - two for this game, a water themed town i had which was goals as hell, and playing in it during a primary school parents evening. as well as my vegetable garden/rose garden infront of my house.
accf - getting the lighthouse right beside my mum's house, and crying about such great positioning. one of my fondest memories with her from when she was well c:
acnl - playing for hours on the island, looking at the night sky, walking along the beach in amazement when i first got the game and played with friends 24/7.
When I first met Moe in Wild World on my birthday, I knew that he would be my favorite forever. When he moved out I was devastated, I forgot about him and stopped playing Wild World. I skipped over City Folk (I dont really like the Wii)and when I saw that New Leaf was coming out, I knew I had to get it. As soon as I started, Moe was in my town and I literally cried, realizing that I forgot about him. Now we're best friends and I'll always love him <3
acww - when i fished for the first time. years after i got the game, i still struggled to fish. but then one night i was playing and i decided to try and fish, and i finally got it.
I don't know if I'm creating this memory due to my obsession over Wolfgang but I recall him confessing his love for me.


I don't have many memorable moments on ACNL that I consider precious. I remember seeing Stitches and Bones on a bench looking cute. That's precious hehe
ACWW. Stitches was my love. I loved him so freaking mucch. I believe he once confessed his love for me and I was so happy. He'd also make plans to come over to my house and I'd forget to play and he'd look so heartbroken I felt so guilty!
Acww was my first game from the series and I remember saving up all of my money when I was 8 so that I could buy it. I made my first town and called it Beach (when Kapp'n asked me where I wanted to go I took it literally), but then reset it and called my town Dipsland - I literally had this town for about 2 years I loved it that much. Also, stitches confessed his love to me as others have also shared, I feel cheated. xD
My siblings and I also created a "shark club" where we wore that generic design with the blue and red fish and we would scour the beach everyday for sharks. We made a shark museum in my brothers mansion!
I remember the first time I wifi'ed on acww, it was with a very rich person called Drake who was 15 from the US with a crown (!!!), and 8 year old me basically ran through his town and used shampoodle (ended up with a green bob, I was not happy). I think he was very annoyed but it was fun for me haha. I was very surprised a few weeks later when I found a note in a bottle from him on my beach.

Yeah I have way too many memories for one post. cx
Playing City Folk with my sisters on their friend's hacked Wii or Wild World on my DS which somehow broke and messed up the color
Talking to Mathilda every day in Animal Crossing GC, even though I thought she was mean. I still liked her lol.
Playing the Game Cube version with my son and daughter. Freya lived in our town, and we would hit her in the head with our net, so she would get mad. My daughter was pretty little and it would make her laugh. I also remember Blaire, and she was our favorite. Playing the igloo games and getting cool furniture ( like the fireplace) is also a fond memory. My son would watch and think it was so funny when I'd lose a ton of bells.
When I first got Erik in my town, he would always write me such lovely letters and one time I had one from him saying he had a dream that I disappeared and I had to promise to never leave. I lost him shortly after that, got him back now but I still kept that letter from him.
My cousin and I used to play the gamecube version together all the time. We would spend the whole night picking all the fruit and catching tons of bugs and fish to pay off our houses. Making money used to be a slower process back then.

I started playing in the 4th grade. I didn't have many friend then and I was bullied at school. Then, my family moved to a new town and I didn't have many friends there either. So, I would play AC everyday. Then, middle school happened and I briefly played WW. Then, in high school, I played CF a little bit, but not much. But, these were good times of my life and I had a lot of friends. I graduated high school and started college. I didn't have many friends in college and my high school friends all moved away. That was when NL came out! I have played NL just as much as I played the original AC.

AC has always been there for me in the lonely times of my life. It has always been there for me when I was anxious or depressed.
Well, it may sound a bit clich?, but... I remember one of the times I felt really moved playing this game was during my first birthday party. I didn't know there was such a thing, so when I initiated my game and just exiting my house I found Cocoloca (she was the last original in abandoning my town) asking me to follow her because some serious business, I got very curious for the novelty.

And then... then... it was all to celebrate my birthday party! I was to tge brink of tears. Cocoloca and Marshal (before he moved away and I got him back) were there for the friendship, being him my fave neighbour and her the eldest, as I said. Sorry to not remember who was the third guest (or are there only two? Long time since I had a party). Also Christmas has this kinf of feeling.

But another very small and innocent feature that got me very happy when occured the first time, was someone clapping at me! :) I've already forgotten who or how was, but the memory remains. I was fishing or catching bugs and happened to get one very near a villager, so that little motion your character does to show it to the screen, he/she saw it and smiled clapping at me! That small congratulation filled my heart with nice feelings, specially because at that moment it was still unknown to me such a thing was possible.
When I was a young teenager, I was a part of an animal crossing wild world guild on gaia online. I did a lot of trading, despite the risk of seeding/bricking. I also did a lot of weeding and landscaping work, too. But I was most well known for high turnip prices. The best part of turnip trading in ACWW? No risk. You could set the turnips a certain way in your house and they wouldn't go bad. So you could wait for a spike of 500 bells per turnip and make a huge profit.

I became quick friends with someone I often traded with. We would sell turnips back and forth, and I'd buy hybrids from him. His name was gibberish, but I remember it started with a K, and ended with "dozi".

While he was selling TONS of turnips in my town (it took him nearly an hour to sell them all), we got onto the topic of seeders and resetting towns. I told him that I reset my town, under the impression that I could build a custom town and pick the placement of everything + which villagers I could get. When I reset and found out it was actually randomized, I was devastated.

One of my first villagers was Moe, and he instantly became my favorite. I talked to him constantly, and eventually got his picture. Back in ACWW, you couldn't really buy or get villagers from other towns reliably, you'd just hope you'd get lucky. When I reset, he was essentially gone forever, unless I wanted to do probably 100 resets.

After K finished selling his turnips, he left a tip, then said he'd be back in a moment with a surprise. He gave me Moe's pic. I was in tears. It was one of the nicest things another player has done for me. The picture still sits in my back room on ACWW.
It was, like, back in 2010, I think (around there), my friend would always holler 'Shark warning' whilst fishing in Animal Crossing Let's Go to the City where we'd reset and reset if we weren't able to catch the fish. My fondest fondest memory is my friend introducing me to the DS and Animal Crossing. I was only 8 and I was in awe. Funny, she got me in to games :p I miss those days. We need Animal Crossing NX. Let's Go to the City was the best!
Mine's fairly short, I was like 7 years old rip. I thought Jay and I had a relationship in WW. I wrote him letters everyday (sometimes more than once) and really brought our friendship up. He gave me his picture due to sheer friendship. (And I read that it's really hard to get jock villager's photos). I was depressed for a week when he moved lmao