Your most precious Animal Crossing memories

Ahhhhh, I have so many good memories from this game :)

I first received the GameCube version when I was Kindergarten, so I was about 5 at the time. I didn't pick up the game for a few years due to my reading skills being too novice to truly enjoy the game. I started playing it seriously in second grade; I have so many memories of playing with my brother and a friend from down the street. Specifically, I remember how I shipped my character with K.K. and my friend and I would freak out whenever he played a song.

When City Folk was released, it took over my 8 year old brain and I would play that game ALL THE TIME. Unfortunately, I also moved that year. Through ACCF, however, my best friend and I would play whilst talking over the phone for hours. This was before I had my own computer or phone, so it was so precious to be able to spend that time with my friend. It kinda felt like we were really hanging out, which was really awesome considering that we lives a few states away from each other. Such good times :)
The first Game Cube version, fishing all night, every night to make bells while my husband and baby slept.
Every time I discovered a new fish in the game cube version when I was like 10. I remember being so stoked that I caught an arapima... I saved it instead of selling it lol.
When I was 7 years old, I went to Blockbuster and looked at the games. My mom NEVER let me rent games, but I wanted to try out Animal Crossing for the GameCube so badly. I got home, and played it all night (which is until 9pm to 7 year old me)! I figured out that I would have to save my progress. I left the GameCube on so I wouldn't lose everything. The next day, we went and got the game from Best Buy (I believe) and it came with a cute memory card.

I remember being little on a Saturday morning, and smelling bacon and french toast in the living room. I was making a pattern called "cool cat" at the Able Sisters.

I remember the first K.K. song that he performed was K.K. Condor. I danced around the room at my mom's friends house, and had a blast while the song played. That same weekend was the first time I saw the morning aerobics (which is adorable). I also made an account on Animal Crossing Community, and talked to myself in the diaries on there.

The next year, Wild World would be coming out (2005). I begged for it, and ended up getting it for Christmas, along with this clunker and Nintendogs. I will never forget when someone seeded my town though. They blocked the gate, and that was it. I tried using an Action Replay, but little me couldn't figure it out, so I had to completely restart. That year I mostly played with friends of mine, and continued to play until City Folk came out.

When City Folk came out, I talked to more people then I ever would have imagined. I had the Wii Speak, but I got yelled at for using it with internet strangers lol. From there I constantly wifiyed with people. I also did 'giveaways' on ACC. I had ACToolKit, so I had all of the items and villagers that I could ever need. I also was obsessed with giveaways, and would always be online making appointments and dealing with customers. Serious stuff.

New Leaf came out a couple days before my 16th birthday. I had bought a 3DS specifically for this game in 2011, so the wait was finally over! I perfected my town, and sometimes played with others. I've been playing on and off since then, but now I'm back into it. This game means the world to me, and has followed me throughout the most important parts of my life, from childhood to adulthood. Sorry for the long post; I'm procrastinating to fall asleep.
When I tt'ed to 2033 and I lost all my flowers. Yep, thats why I reset my first town xD
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i have a dumb but funny memory

when acnl came out and i was like 10 i was on the jvgs disqus like all the time looking for giveaways or trades but once somebody said they were giving away 10 million bells for marina and i said i had her so when i went to their town to pick up the bells (which idfk why the person wasn't suspicious of me coming over to pick the bells up) i took the money and ran back to the station when they said they were afk. i never gave them marina bc i didnt even have her lmao im not proud of this i was a greedy asshat. i was also super guilty so i never used the chat for like 3 months but once i went back on expecting everyone to forget, they didn't but the person i stole from said she didnt mind because she found someone giving her away the same week i left for free. that was the last time i ever did something like that again

i have no heartwarming memories with acnl unlike everyone else wtf
I've been around Animal Crossing since its humble beginnings on the Gamecube. I've played every installment, but none held much memories as New Leaf. I had a girlfriend you see, and we were a long distance couple. We both loved Animal Crossing, but when it came out in 2013 all I had was a DSlite and Wild World.

Then came Christmas of '13, and I got a 3DS XL and a copy of it. My, I spent so many hours playing with her, it was like we were really there together on a beautiful winter's night.

Sadly we're no longer together, but the memories made in New Leaf will always be there with me.
one of my favorite memories is the first time i caught a shark. it was like 3 am and i couldn't sleep bc we were on vacation and staying in a hotel, so when i saw the shark i almost freaked out. apparently my mom was awake, and we caught the shark together. it was one of the most exciting moments for me
In WW my favorite villager was Lucy. I got her picture and all of that, and one day she tried to move and I cried. (legit young here) and then I talked her out of it and kept her there. I don't remember much other than that, and trying to pay hella for my house. And when I got the shampoodle I was hyped.
When I was at Lionel's birthday party and I was at school with my feet kicked up eating crackers with onion dip. I will forever remember Lionel with a taste of onion dip in my mouth. I should move him back in my town again. I miss him. ;w;