Your most recent gaming purchases

I wanted to get into single-player FPS games, so I bought Half-Life 1 and 2 and Fallout New Vegas on Steam. Getting all of them on sale for under $10 feels like a steal.

2025 will be about kicking my friends' butts at minigames (they will probably actually kick mine instead asdjfjdu) and crashing into So Many Things!!!

Canada's on a tax break until February, so $80 Nintendo games are actually $80 right now and not $90! I didn't realize no GST/HST also applied to video games, but I'm definitely not complaining! I can't wait to try these bad boys out!!

watch Mario Kart 9 get announced soon
Xbox controller! Got the velocity green one for my Xbox one. Love the way it looks :D
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nabbed persona 3 reload in the sale and skyrim (AGAIN LOL - i already had it on switch oops but want the pc experience 🥹)
My three most recent purchases (within the last month) are My Sims Cosy Bundle & Mario Party Jamboree for the Switch and then Pocket Camp complete.
I bought an Xbox Series X controller earlier for my PC. It's so nice having one again.
8 games for Steam:

Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 4
Wizard With a Gun
Evil West
Dead Space 3
Resident Evil 2 (remake)
Resident Evil 3 (remake)
Resident Evil 4 (remake)

...all for under $85. Steam sales are good at raping my wallet.
I bought fields of misteria and I am really really enjoying it. It feels a tad faster than Stardew, with getting to cutscenes and learning more about the town, but I am really loving the characters, art style of portraits, and music. I'm just playing how I want and not really aiming to knock anything in particular out, so I hope the content will last a while.
This is the only game I will probably buy this year, 2025. I literally have no desire to play anything but farming games or stuff in my library like animal crossing. And I just in general feel busy with life stuff with my snail pace and all.
I bought these games on Nintendo Switch:

Wylde Flowers
Life is Strange 2
Life is Strange True Colors
Tavern Talk
Resident Evil (I forget which one, it’s one of the newer ones) it was actually an accidental purchase. I was half asleep and thought I was buying Alan Wake. Which I don’t even know if that is even on the Switch. So now I have a random resident evil game 😂
Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe edition
Not much for me due to the holidays but I got the new DLC for Disney Dreamlight Valley and TMNT Mutants Unleashed for switch.
super monkey ball mania and metro 2033 since they were both on sale on steam.
Bought Minecraft for Nintendo Switch. Pretty nice but I do have to take motion sickness meds if I'm going to play for a while. I finally learned how to craft a door after an embarrassing 2 hours of gameplay. Let's go gaymers, am I right? c':
This was a little while back now, but I got the Dragon Quest Builders 2 Season Pass!! I'm still early on in the game so I don't think I've unlocked any of it yet, but I'm excited for when I do! ( ´ ▽ `)b
I just bought Foundation on Steam. Can't wait to build my medieval village and micromanage everything. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧