Your Pets as Animal Crossing Villagers?


Manda Panda
Sep 6, 2014
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Pink Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Pavé Pink Feather
Cool Feather
Green Fair Pinwheel
Purple Feather
Blue Balloon
Blue Feather
White Feather
If your pet were a villager in Animal Crossing, what type would they be? What kind of style would they have? What do you think they would look like?

I realize that most of these would be cats/dogs and the like, but who knows, we might get a turtle or a hamster or two. XD

For me, I have an American Eskimo dog. His name is Dante and he looks like this. I think he would look very similar to the wolf villagers in appearance---pure white in color with a bushy tail and big brown eyes. I can't decide if he would be a Peppy villager or a Smug one. I think he would probably lean toward peppy.

As for style... I think he would wear something blue to match his collar, maybe with a cute theme to it.

How about your pets? : )

[ I'm not sure if there is or isn't a thread for something like this---if there is, I apologize! I went back quite a few pages, but I didn't see anything and I thought it might be interesting to share our pets and how we think they might fit into the Animal Crossing universe. ]
My female cat would be a Snooty that looks like Lolly with a bushier tail and big, green doe eyes. My tomcat would be a Jock villager with yellow fur with orange stripes and he'd have beady, amber eyes.
They sound adorable! : )

I always wondered if, down the road of later AC games, the game would let you customize a villager or two (aside from yourself). I think it could be a really fun and interesting feature to give everyone a chance to have something unique.
I don't know what my dog's personality would be, but I'm thinking he'd be a lazy. He has fluffy white fur and, from what he has worn before, he'd be wearing the argyle knit shirt.
My dog Ruby would be a dog villager, but they'd have to do some changes to the design because I really dislike the super bland design of the dog villagers -.- She's a goldendoodle with fluffy, curly hair ^.^ She'd probably be uchi because she's tough as nails and likes to get in the dirt and play fight, but she also is extremely caring and will let you hold her when you're sad (but she refuses any other time xD) She'd wear a grey hoodie because of (this picture). It makes me laugh so hard whenever I look at it. She'd also have an obsession with nature, because she hoards sticks and has a little den she's made in our hedge that she uses as her outside home.
I don't know what my dog's personality would be, but I'm thinking he'd be a lazy. He has fluffy white fur and, from what he has worn before, he'd be wearing the argyle knit shirt.

Lazy would fit my dog to some degree, too. Hahaha. But he sounds adorable--especially with the little knit shirt!

My dog Ruby would be a dog villager, but they'd have to do some changes to the design because I really dislike the super bland design of the dog villagers -.- She's a goldendoodle with fluffy, curly hair ^.^ She'd probably be uchi because she's tough as nails and likes to get in the dirt and play fight, but she also is extremely caring and will let you hold her when you're sad (but she refuses any other time xD) She'd wear a grey hoodie because of (this picture). It makes me laugh so hard whenever I look at it. She'd also have an obsession with nature, because she hoards sticks and has a little den she's made in our hedge that she uses as her outside home.

How cute! I agree that the dog villagers are pretty generic in appearance, but it would be neat if they let us customize something like this in the future.
They would be ferrets:

Abby would have the uchi personality type. She is tough and lets no one push her around. Does not get along with Baby. Her head would be white and her body medium brown.

Ella is a normal. She is very motherly and loves to take care of everyone. Cream colored head with a light tan face mask. Her body is light fan.

Baby is a Peppy. To hyper..... annoys everyone including other ferrets. She would have a white face. The top of her head would be very dark brown with white spots on it. The rest of her body is very dark brown.
Aww, they sound like they'd be a cute little villager family. XD

Kind of makes me wonder if they'll add some new villager types in upcoming AC games, too. Ferrets would be interesting. I'd love to see foxes, too.
My cat Bebe would totally be a Cranky villager xD My other cat Soul would be a Peppy. But he's a male... they would be cats (duh)
My iguana Dante would be a Lazy Villager. A crocodile would fit him I guess.
My turtles Sui, Bones and Tommy would be Smugs and Jocks... WHO SAID TURTLES ARE SLOW. Those guys are hyper.
And my snake Orion... probably a normal LOL he just... snakes. Imagine a snake villager :0
My Tortoise is Tortimer...
My male dog, Zaboo, would be Biskit. (Cute, kinda stupid and silly.)
My female dog, Lobo, would be Portia Whitney (She looks more like Whitney) (Snootiest dog IRL you would ever meet, pampered to the depths of oblivion...)
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I'm surprised that Cranky cats aren't really a thing, to be honest. XD I've sure met my fair share of them in real life.

Iguana sounds like something they could do, given the fact that Nat exists. lol I'm sure from this point on, they'll keep expanding more and more with each game, just like they do with pokemon.

Turtle villagers would be awesome! (I'd love the option to dress them up like Ninja Turtles. Hahaha)

A snake villager could be interesting, too. It's kind of funny to think of them curling around their tools to use them or wear shirts. It could be kind of cute in a way, even if it was awkward. XD

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@Everyone else who replied while I was responding: These all sound like such cute potential villagers! And Snooty definitely fits a lot of cats. Hahaha. I also used to have a dog that was definitely the Snooty type. She was queen of the house and she knew it.
Ahh, Nat is absolutely adorable <3 I wish I could keep him as a villager.
And that Ninja Turtle idea is awesome, I would love that!
I know right, I keep thinking and thinking how that would work XD I'd love to see it though, snakes are my favourite animal.

(speaking of which, Snake is one of my dreamies and my sister has Felicity for trade, she's asleep now but if you're interested I would talk to her tomorrow and pm you)
Ahh, Nat is absolutely adorable <3 I wish I could keep him as a villager.
And that Ninja Turtle idea is awesome, I would love that!
I know right, I keep thinking and thinking how that would work XD I'd love to see it though, snakes are my favourite animal.

(speaking of which, Snake is one of my dreamies and my sister has Felicity for trade, she's asleep now but if you're interested I would talk to her tomorrow and pm you)

He is pretty adorable, I admit. XD

Given how quickly villagers seem to trade shirts and such, though, I suppose their Ninja Turtle costumes probably wouldn't last long. Hahaha. Maybe they could at least keep the bandanas, though.

(Oh, I'd be happy to trade him, as long as I can get him to move out! That seems to be the difficult part of it. But if I can get him offering to move, I'd be more than pleased to make the trade!)
speck would beee


there needs to be a "nervous" personality bc she is a ball of goddamn nerves

probably normal, though i feel she has more personality than that. just normals are the most nervous/anxious
True that XD my villagers keep changing to ugly clothes...

(Just please don't try to make him move out before I talk to my sister :p I'll pm you tomorrow about it!)
I'm surprised there isn't a shy/nervous/anxious personality. To be honest, I would absolutely love something like that. I like doting over villagers and it would make you feel extra accomplished if the villager you were befriending/helping needed the reassurance. Ahhh, that would be too cute. I really want that now. Haha.

@Fletch - Yeah, mine do the same thing. Cookie just started moving around in town today and no less than 30 minutes later, she picked up a horrible t-shirt from one of my other villagers. XD;

(No prob! He hasn't mentioned moving yet. Though even if he did, they give a few days notice. I'll leave him be, but I'll let you know with a VM or something if he unexpectedly pings me for moving. I tend to have the worst luck, so I don't discount the possibility.)

My cat, Sapphire (didn't name her), who I took in from a friend ill-equipped to care for her. I think Mitzi is a point-colored Siamese, so she's closest to her!

Sapphire would totally be a Lazy villager. Most of my friends say she acts like a dog because of a lot of her quirks, and since Lazy villagers seem to be quirky, it seemed to fit!
Livvy, my hamster would be an uchi villager.
She's long haired and silver but with splodges of black around the place, but she's very tough and won't let anyone boss her around! However, she loves all my friends and family so she'd definitely be an Uchi!
She'd wear a natty shirt!

My sort-of dog that I'm coparenting would be:
Fergus, the jock/smug dog!
He's a Cairn Terrier, the Scottish ones with moustaches and bushy tails :)
He'd have his eyes shut all the time as his eyebrows go over them but when he's shocked he'd open them to reveal no pupils, like Julian!
He'd have a long black coat and wear a tartan shirt.