Caitlin of Faebelle
So I wanna know your guys' ultimate animal crossing simulation game (like acnl)
animal crossing: (title to be determined)
In this game you are the mayor (like in new leaf) your secretary is Isabelle, you also have a personal assistant-Lottie (who I love and who is a cute little animal) you come to an empty town, with not much in it, your first day on the job you invite villagers to move in to town, if they accept you get to decide where their house is and design it, much like your own, and like in HHD, the benefit of inviting villagers is YOU get to choose who you want in your town. You can also choose a town theme, such as a fairytale theme, Ex cetra, the benefit of this is if you want a fairy tale theme, your villagers will suggest more fairytale like PWP. The island opens on the second day you are there. You can have a getaway house on the island if you want. Now comes the shops and such-
In your town:
T&T emporium.
Leif's flower city (no longer sharing with Timmy and Tommy)
The able sisters (able to upgrade to three floors- first floor- normal- second floor- shampoodle - third floor-Gracie)
Gracie's- Gracie has grown a lot and if you upgrade to the thrid floor she will sell her furniture and clothes at a reasonable price rather then the obnoxious 300+ bells.
Shoe shop- shared with able sisters- on first floor to the right
Tom nooks exterior designs.
Retail- Reese and Cyrus are still the same- but with two differences- Cyrus is awake at the start and they had a little baby- a sweet little purple alpaca, you can go over to her and play little games with her for fun.
Dream suite
island shop.
animal crossing: (title to be determined)
In this game you are the mayor (like in new leaf) your secretary is Isabelle, you also have a personal assistant-Lottie (who I love and who is a cute little animal) you come to an empty town, with not much in it, your first day on the job you invite villagers to move in to town, if they accept you get to decide where their house is and design it, much like your own, and like in HHD, the benefit of inviting villagers is YOU get to choose who you want in your town. You can also choose a town theme, such as a fairytale theme, Ex cetra, the benefit of this is if you want a fairy tale theme, your villagers will suggest more fairytale like PWP. The island opens on the second day you are there. You can have a getaway house on the island if you want. Now comes the shops and such-
In your town:
T&T emporium.
Leif's flower city (no longer sharing with Timmy and Tommy)
The able sisters (able to upgrade to three floors- first floor- normal- second floor- shampoodle - third floor-Gracie)
Gracie's- Gracie has grown a lot and if you upgrade to the thrid floor she will sell her furniture and clothes at a reasonable price rather then the obnoxious 300+ bells.
Shoe shop- shared with able sisters- on first floor to the right
Tom nooks exterior designs.
Retail- Reese and Cyrus are still the same- but with two differences- Cyrus is awake at the start and they had a little baby- a sweet little purple alpaca, you can go over to her and play little games with her for fun.
Dream suite
island shop.