I would never have chosen to be gay if I had known I was going to be persecuted by people like that. Told that what I am is a disease, and that it is wrong for me to feel and give love because a magic man in the sky is going to burn me for it. People with that philosophy deserve to have the tables turned on them and see how they like it. I don't need a cure and I certainly don't need "friends" who tell me that my "decision" is "sinful".
If I had a choice of being straight and being bisexual, knowing what I do now, I would've picked to be straight. Not only does the LGBT community not even accept me, but I am constantly called a cheater and that I'm not truly LGBT. People are scared to stay with me because they automatically think I'll cheat on them with someone of the opposite sex as they are. But alas, I did not have a say in what I am and what I am not in this world.