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That I'm not directly talking about LBGT content being block and that children shouldn't look them up. If you specifically program your computer to cut down specific searches then I honestly don't see how a child can still look up "lesbian weddings" not that you mention a supervisor adult is next to them. When I made that comment awhile back mentioning how growing up I didn't have a problem with my sexuality because a lof of kids on the internet was "XD bisexual". I honestly thought the "XD" took it away because during my time, literally every kid was into being "bisexual" (that emo phrase, rawr dinosuar ****) and honestly still didn't know what being bisexual meant even if they went to a random definition site and gave you the term.
I agree that this content shouldn't be block from kids but I honestly think that them looking at information wouldn't still "help" them.
When you gave the example of a wedding, I honestly thought that they had to be "specific" with their search because that would still make them feel indifferent to the point that they have to look up something highly specific. "Is this normal?". When you mention the adult, that to me just show the the adult look it up, not the kid cause the kid honestly doesn't ****ing know. Even if their curioisity cave in, they still wouldn't know. If 8 year old me was conflicting their sexuality and a "supervision adult" decided to give me a article about sexualities, I would honestly be bored out of my ****ing mind. My whole inclination is that it's normal for anybody to love whatever. A wedding is a wedding. If two of my Aunts were to get married to their spouse, by the end of the day, it's a wedding. I would still have to wear a dress or a gown and be bored out of my mind while I can be home playing toys or whatever(still 8 year old me lmao).
But I think all we're doing is listing "experiences", and I honestly don't see the world as black and white tbh.
not every kid is like that tho. like for me personally, the internet helped me find out things abt my gender and sexuality when i was 10 or 11. i didnt look up lesbian weddings on youtube but, like, anything that normalizes being lgbtq for kids is good and if i had seen lesbian weddings on my youtube front page i would have probably felt more "normal" for not identifying as straight. like, there's no reason to hide those videos except if you dont want kids to see things about lgbtq people. like, if youre going to be like "well but why would kids want to look at those videos" like Yeah Sure but why not put everything kids arent interested in under that filter? because people dont think kids looking at videos about taxes is inappropriate but apparently looking at videos of lgbtq people is.
this isnt a filter for schools to only let kids watch school stuff, it is to remove inappropriate content from being seen by kids. the problem imo isnt that kids cant look up wedding videos at school, it is that lgbtq youtubers and their videos are labelled as inappropriate.
forestyne: what