I know there are restaurants and fancy ways to prepare ramen, but I only know of it from the packaged stuff at grocery stores. It's alright I guess. I've tried it, but nothing amazing. I'd have to add more vegetables and stuff to it for it to be enjoyable enough for me to eat. So kinda borderline for me.
Falafel is like deep fried balls. Never had them myself, but they looked pretty good to be honest. As for cookie dough ice-cream, it's not bad. I used to like it a lot, but I grew out of it. Not a bad flavor and I will eat it if it is around or in my freezer, but there are other flavors I like more nowadays. It also depends on the consistency of the dough. If it's just tiny shredded bits that are barely tasted, then what's the point? I've had a few company varieties like that. If I'm going to eat it, I want big chunks.