Yuck or Yum?

Yum! (I've actually tried this and remembered liking it)

Chili dogs?
Yum! I love pickles, especially if they're in that salty water stuff. Yummmmmy.

Wasabi Peas?

I've never had it from a bottle, but I did drink some straight out of a coconut. It was kinda gross to be honest. I wanted to try to make coconut flakes from scratch just for the heck of it. Broke the shell, poured out the liquid, cleaned the skin. I tasted some without preparation and it was gross lol so I realized I needed to sweeten it by sauteing it with sugar.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Yuck I never liked them as a kid and I didn't enjoy it much better as an adult. It makes my mouth feel dry.

Chef Salad?
I'm just not a fan of key lime, I think - tho a lot of people in my family love it.

Garlic bread?
I guess it's ok if it's in something, but I wouldn't want to eat it alone.

Fried/breaded zucchini?
I love fried zucchini soooo much, it's one of my favorites. That and fried eggplant.


Eggplant Parm?

Peanut butter and mayo sammiches? (Listen, I'm totally serious here. I yuck'ed them then I tried them and now I yum them D:)